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Napsgear: Common Stretching Mistakes and 9 Stretches to Get Started



Stretching isn't nearly as enjoyable as lifting heavy weights, running outside in the fresh air, or doing a strenuous HIIT workout.
But you're doing your body a disservice if you don't stretch. Stretching has numerous advantages, including improved balance and posture, decreased injury risk, and reduced joint pain.
There are numerous stretches that target the body's various muscle groups, and if you've never stretched before, you may be unsure where to start. If you haven't stretched in a while, start with the movements listed below.

Here are the top ten beginner stretches:
• Neck rolls
• Standing chest stretch
• Standing calf stretch
• Forward fold
• Child’s pose
• Cat cow
• Downward Dog
• Butterfly Stretch
• Standing Quad Stretch
• Standing Calf Stretch

In this article, I'll go over the muscle areas beginners should concentrate on while stretching, the benefits of stretching, and frequent stretches mistakes to avoid.

What are the best stretches for beginners?
It's recommended to start your stretching regimen by concentrating on a few important muscle groups, such as:
• Shoulders
• Pecs
• Upper and lower back
• Hip flexors
• Glutes
• Quads
• Hamstrings
• Calves

Many of the stretches that target these muscle groups can help you not only improve your gym performance but also offset the effects of sitting for long periods of time.
They're great for folks who sit at a desk all day and have tight hips, rounded shoulders, and achy lower backs.

Common Mistakes
Stretching is a low-impact exercise, so it's tempting to assume you can just lay out a yoga mat and start stretching. However, there is an art to refining a stretching regimen, which includes avoiding the frequent blunders listed below.

Mistake #1: Trying to Push Yourself Past Your Comfort Zone.
Flexibility is not something that most people are born with, and it takes a long time to develop. You won't be able to touch your toes on the first try if you haven't been stretching at all.
Stretching beyond what your body is capable of might lead to damage. When you extend a muscle that isn't adapted to the activity, you risk straining or spraining it.
When stretching, you should never stretch to the point of pain. If you're having difficulties achieving the complete range of motion, utilize yoga straps or blocks to help you get there until you're more flexible.

Mistake #2: Warming Up for Your Workout with Static Stretches
Stretches that you hold for a set amount of time are known as static stretches. Holding a stretch for at least 10 to 30 seconds is standard, however specific stances can be held for three minutes or longer. In yin yoga or restorative yoga, this is commonly done.
Static stretching before a workout is a contentious topic, especially when it comes to lifting weights, sprinting, or doing other high-intensity activities. Static stretching before intensive exercise has been shown in numerous studies to reduce power output and have a negative impact on strength.
Static stretching, according to other studies, has no deleterious impact on executing numerous repetitions of back squats, especially in women. Static stretching may be acceptable as part of a warmup that includes modest aerobic activity and dynamic movements.
However, until more clear data emerges, static stretching should be saved for after a workout or on a rest day.
Instead, execute dynamic stretches that move your body through a full range of motion and mirror the movements you're about to do just before your workout.
Warm up your muscles, enhance circulation, and prepare your neuromuscular system for hard action with a foam roller before your workout.
There are mixed findings on whether foam rolling improves performance, but it can help you feel less tired during and after your workout.

Mistake #3: Bouncing When Stretching
There's a distinction between dynamic stretches and stretching while bouncing. You don't force your body into uncomfortable positions when you conduct a dynamic stretch. When you bounce during a stretch, on the other hand, you're using momentum to push your body past its natural range of motion. Ballistic stretching is another name for this.
Ballistic stretches are widespread among specific sorts of athletes, although they are not suggested for novices. Because you're not allowing your body to adjust to the activity, ballistic stretching can place undue strain on your muscles and connective tissues.
In addition, if a component of your body isn't ready to be stretched too much, other parts of your body may overcompensate, resulting in muscular imbalances.
When you're stretching, it's fine to go deeper into a posture as your body loosens up, especially if you're performing yin yoga or restorative yoga and holding poses for several minutes. However, you should always move cautiously and ease up if you experience any pain.

Mistake #4: Stretching a Cold Muscle
This isn't about the temperature; it's about trying to stretch after a lengthy period of inactivity, such as after a night's sleep or a long travel.
Despite the fact that stretching is a low-impact activity, you should warm up your body before doing squats or going for a run. To prepare your body for stretching, walk around for a few minutes to get your blood moving and make your muscles more malleable.

Mistake #5: Not Stretching All Your Muscle Groups Proportionally
You can certainly concentrate on one part of your body that is tighter or more sore on any given day, but don't make the mistake of stretching only one muscle group every time.
You should also ensure that you stretch all sides of your body evenly. So, if you execute a 30-second standing quad stretch on your right leg, you should do the same with your left leg. This will help you avoid imbalances and lower the chance of damage on one side of your body while exercising or doing regular chores.

Mistake #6: Forgetting to Breathe
When you stretch while holding your breath, your muscles will not receive enough oxygenated blood. This can cause lactic acid to build up in your muscles, causing them to exhaust much more quickly. Breathing incorrectly also stops your muscles from relaxing, and muscles that are always contracted are more prone to become damaged.
Remember to take deep breaths while stretching, inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your mouth. Inhale before starting a pose and exhale as you lean into it is a good rule of thumb. Continue to inhale and exhale while holding the stretch to allow your muscles to totally relax.

Mistake #7: Stretching Infrequently
Stretching can not generate immediate effects, and it can be frustrating to work on something for a long time and not see any progress. However, because improving your flexibility takes weeks, if not months, it's critical to stick to a weekly stretching practice.
You may develop accustomed to feeling stiff or uncomfortable on a regular basis if you aren't used to stretching. When you stretch on a daily basis and then stop, you'll quickly discover how horrible your body feels when you don't keep up. Stretching, fortunately, is an exercise that you can do anyplace without any equipment, so there's no reason not to do it.

9 Beginner Stretches
All of the stretches shown below are easy to do and can be done anywhere. Many of them also work on multiple parts of the body. If you only have a few minutes, use one or two exercises from this list to stretch numerous muscle groups at once.

Neck Rolls
This is a more dynamic action, yet it aids in the release of any tension held in your upper body. You can do this while sitting or standing.
1. Keep your head straight and your gaze forward whether you're seated or standing.
2. Bring your right or left ear to your shoulder and slowly lower it.
3. Lean back in your chair and look up at the ceiling.
4. Rotate your head to the side opposite the one you started with.
5. Drop your chin to your chest in the same fashion.
6. Keep going in a circular manner for as long as you want.

Standing Chest Stretch
The pecs are the focus of this stretch. Anyone with rounded shoulders from sitting at a desk all day or doing too many bench presses but not enough upper back exercises may benefit from it.
1. Stand against a wall with your toes against it and elevate one of your arms slightly above horizontal. Put your palm against the wall.
2. Rotate your torso such that the hand on the wall is on the other side of your torso.
3. To feel the stretch in your chest, keep your shoulder down and back.
4. When switching sides, hold the stance for the same length of time on the opposing side.

Forward Fold
The forward fold is a fancy way of saying "touch your toes," but as experienced yogis will tell you, this practice entails a lot more.
Nonetheless, this is a great stretch for your hamstrings and lower back, and you'll probably be able to touch your toes if you do it often enough.
It's critical that you don't move too quickly when completing this stretch, and that you just go as far as your body will allow. The forward fold is a nice stretch for beginners, but if done incorrectly, it can cause injury.
1. Stand with your feet approximately six inches apart, knees slightly bent, and hands at your sides.
2. Inhale deeply, then exhale gently and hinge forward. Aim to touch your torso to your thighs, but don't push yourself too far.
3. You can either maintain your hands on the floor or on your shins while holding the position, or you can grip onto your elbows.
4. Keep your head and neck in a neutral position. Maintaining your sight on your toes may be beneficial.

Childs Pose
This position stretches the core, shoulders, glutes, hips, and upper back at the same time, allowing you to relieve stress in numerous muscle groups.
1. Kneel on the floor with your toes touching and as wide as you can spread your knees.
2. Inhale deeply, then exhale and lower your torso to the level of your knees. Extend your arms in front of you and place your palms on the floor.
3. You can lay your forehead on the ground if you're able. You can lay your head on a cushion, folded blanket, or yoga block if that's too difficult.

Cat cow is a dynamic movement that stretches your lower back in a pleasant and effective way.
1. Begin on your hands and knees, with your knees beneath your hips and wrists piled beneath your shoulders. Maintain a downward and forward stare with your toes tucked beneath you.
2. Inhale and elevate your head while arching your back and pulling your belly button towards the floor. This is referred to as the "cow" pose.
3. Exhale and round your back up to the ceiling, then hold for a second. Tuck your chin into your chest and your tailbone into your ribcage. This is known as the "cat" position because it resembles a scared cat arching its back.
4. Alternate between the cat and the cow, keeping your motions moderate and controlled.

Downward Dog
Because it's a popular action in yoga regimens, downward-facing dog is undoubtedly the most identifiable stretch.
Downward-facing dog, like child's pose, stretches numerous muscle groups, making it a wonderful stretch for when you're short on time. Shoulders, hamstrings, and calves should all feel tight.
1. Begin on your hands and knees, with your knees slightly behind your hips and your hands about shoulder-width apart on the floor.
2. Spread your fingers, tuck your toes, and press your palms into the floor.
3. Inhale deeply, then exhale as you straighten your legs and lift your knees.
4. If you are unable to fully straighten your legs, keep them slightly bent. Just remember not to arch your back.
5. Remember to breathe normally while holding the pose. When you're ready to exit, take one more deep breath in and slowly lower your knees to the floor while exhaling.

Butterfly Stretch
The butterfly stretch is great for freeing up your hips after a lengthy period of sitting in a chair.
1. Sit on the floor and bring your feet's soles together.
2. Bring your heels as near as possible to your body.
3. Grasp your ankles and use your elbows to gently press down on your knees.
4. If pushing your knees all the way to the ground is too much for you, stop as soon as you feel a deep stretch in your groin area.
5. If getting your knees to the floor is already a breeze, you can deepen the stretch by leaning forward, maintaining your back flat, and avoiding any bouncing.

Benefits of Stretching
Stretching has numerous advantages, as I already stated. Flexibility takes time to develop, but if you stick with it, you'll notice physical, mental, and emotional changes in your body. Some of the benefits of sticking to a regular stretching routine are listed below.

Improved Posture
If you don't stretch, your muscles will shorten and become stiff and sore as a result of the constant contraction.
Stretching on a regular basis relieves tension and keeps your muscles from tightening. This keeps your body in good alignment, preventing you from rounding your shoulders and making it simpler to stand up straight.

Less Back and Joint Pain
Muscle tension puts pressure on your joints and lower back. In reality, tension in the surrounding areas, rather than a problem with the muscle or joint itself, is often the cause of pain in the knees, hips, or back.
Stretching helps relieve pain and tension by increasing blood flow to various parts of the body.

Decreased Risk of Injury
Strains and sprains are more likely when your muscles, joints, and connective tissues are tight. Stretching on a regular basis can help prevent these injuries by keeping your connective tissues supple.
It's worth mentioning that not all studies, particularly for runners, bikers, and swimmers, supports stretching as an effective injury prevention approach. Stretching, on the other hand, has been shown in certain studies to help athletes who participate in high-intensity sports like football or soccer avoid injury.
This is due to the fact that these activities entail a lot of hopping and jumping, which causes the stretch-shortening cycle. This essentially implies that the muscles lengthen and then shorten, like when you push off one foot to kick a soccer ball or quickly accelerate your legs during a race.
Cycling, long-distance running, and swimming do not necessitate the same amount of power as sprinting and jumping. As a result, experts feel that stretching isn't as effective in preventing injuries among low-impact athletes.
Even so, there aren't many drawbacks to stretching on a daily basis, so it's a worthwhile addition to your workout program.

Increased Performance at the Gym
It is easier to complete specific actions in the gym if you have a greater range of motion.
You can get into the proper squat position by having strong hip and ankle mobility, for example. Snatches and overhead squats are simpler when you have adequate shoulder mobility, whether you're a CrossFitter or an Olympic weightlifter.

Better Range of Motion
Stretching mobilizes and lengthens your connective tissues, making your body more limber. Your joints and muscles will be able to move more freely, making it easier for them to function effectively.
The ability to get into a healthy squat position when you have good hip and ankle mobility, as I said earlier, is a good indicator of this. However, having more range of motion makes everyday tasks easier, even if they are as simple as bending over to tie your shoes.

Improved Balance and Coordination
Stretching is a great approach to strengthen your mind-body connection while also improving your balance and coordination. This is especially crucial for the elderly, as physical flexibility declines with age, making older people more vulnerable to falls.
According to a 2016 study, stretching helps elderly people balance on one leg with their eyes closed for longer periods of time. As a result, it's reasonable to assume that strengthening your balance reduces your risk of falling when completing daily tasks.

Decrease Anxiety
Stretching forces you to slow down and focus on your breathing, inducing a meditative state in your body. This can aid in the reduction of anxiety symptoms such as racing heart and nervousness.
Stretching makes your body feel better and feeling good physically can make you feel better emotionally and intellectually.

Final Thoughts
Despite the numerous benefits of stretching, many people avoid it for a variety of reasons. However, if you don't stretch, your joints and muscles won't be able to work properly. You can also make your body more vulnerable to damage by doing so.
It can take months to improve flexibility, and it's easy to become disheartened if you don't see results. Fortunately, you don't have to stretch for hours every day to notice improvements. Stretching for 10 minutes a few times a week is sufficient to get the benefits.

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