Hey guys, brand new here on this forum. My name is Hoxz and have done 3 test cycles in the past. Bittersweet experience though because I had amazing gains (roughly 15 pounds) but broke out like a MF.
Anyway, after much much research I ran into Dylan's YouTube videos on SARMs (always watched them for AAS reviews) but I stumbled across SARMs and it felt right the moment I read/heard about them. I feel this will suit me better since sides seem to be less than gear and I hope I won't break out as much otherwise I would keep on doing gear.
I bought the recomp stack from pure essence and should be getting here this week, that is LGD, GW and S4. Can't wait. I will post updates of the progress and please feel free to critic, advise, or comment anything that can help me on my journey.
Trying to keep this post short so I'll just throw in a quick background of me and be on my way.
I do Crossfit mainly as my workout routine which brings me to my first big question.
Will SARMs work well with Crossfit or should I switched back to lifting for better results? I'm trying to stay lean but build some muscle and strength and still being able to run 2miles within 14minutes (Army standards, which I want to improve vastly, thus Crossfit).
Besides that, I play soccer twice a week and eat clean-ish during the week (can't lie, won't lie, I still sneak the occasional snack here and there) I manage to stay at 195lbs with 15bf but I want to reduce body fat as much as possible which is why I've cleaned up my diet pretty good lately.
As far as supplements I take goes like this...
Salmon oil, multivitamins, green bean extract, bilberry for when I start S4, creatine, taurine and 5htp. Does this sound good?
And last but not least, I have been using clen for the past week and starting my second week (doing a 2on 2 off @ 120mcg/day(built up to it)), which brings me to my second and last big question, can I keep doing clen while on my SARMs cycle or should I lay off it while on cycle? (I know Dylan is not a big fan of clen but I have them here. I'm being very careful with it and might as well finish them, will get albuterol after).
That's all for now guys, will post when I get my products and thanks beforehand for letting share my experience with you guys.
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Anyway, after much much research I ran into Dylan's YouTube videos on SARMs (always watched them for AAS reviews) but I stumbled across SARMs and it felt right the moment I read/heard about them. I feel this will suit me better since sides seem to be less than gear and I hope I won't break out as much otherwise I would keep on doing gear.
I bought the recomp stack from pure essence and should be getting here this week, that is LGD, GW and S4. Can't wait. I will post updates of the progress and please feel free to critic, advise, or comment anything that can help me on my journey.
Trying to keep this post short so I'll just throw in a quick background of me and be on my way.
I do Crossfit mainly as my workout routine which brings me to my first big question.
Will SARMs work well with Crossfit or should I switched back to lifting for better results? I'm trying to stay lean but build some muscle and strength and still being able to run 2miles within 14minutes (Army standards, which I want to improve vastly, thus Crossfit).
Besides that, I play soccer twice a week and eat clean-ish during the week (can't lie, won't lie, I still sneak the occasional snack here and there) I manage to stay at 195lbs with 15bf but I want to reduce body fat as much as possible which is why I've cleaned up my diet pretty good lately.
As far as supplements I take goes like this...
Salmon oil, multivitamins, green bean extract, bilberry for when I start S4, creatine, taurine and 5htp. Does this sound good?
And last but not least, I have been using clen for the past week and starting my second week (doing a 2on 2 off @ 120mcg/day(built up to it)), which brings me to my second and last big question, can I keep doing clen while on my SARMs cycle or should I lay off it while on cycle? (I know Dylan is not a big fan of clen but I have them here. I'm being very careful with it and might as well finish them, will get albuterol after).
That's all for now guys, will post when I get my products and thanks beforehand for letting share my experience with you guys.
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