
My ultimate cutting cycle


Hi guys ,

Although my cycle is planned for January but im preparing from now researching and fine tuning to make the best out of it.
My stats:
Weight:180 pounds
Bf%: 7.5% might have increased to 8.5%
Height: 5’10

goal is to gain lean mass to reduce bf%

In one of my earlier threads with Dylans advice my next cycle will be as follows
1-14 test e 350 mg week
1-14 mast e 800 mg week
1-14 primo 800 mg week
1-16 aromasin 12.5 mg eod
1-16 proviron 50 mg day
1-6 tbol 60 mg day
1-6 cycle assist
1-16 rad140 20 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-16 mk677 25 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-16 sr9009 30 mg day... 5 mg split doses 2-3 hours apart
1-12 lgd-4033 10 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
5-16 S4 50 mg day... split doses... 25 mg in the a.m. and 25 mg 4-6 hours later
1-16 GW-510516 20 mg day… dosed all at once 30 minutes before workout…
1-12 mk-2866 25 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
13-16 hcg 1000 ius week

pct 17-20

clomid 50/50/25/25
nolva 40/20/20/20
aromasin 12.5 mg eod
mk-2866 25 mg day
gw-501516 20 mg day
mk677 25 mg day
sr9009 30 mg day

I will have my diet on 500 kal deficit about 290 protein/ 90 carb/100/fat
is that about right?

Milk thistle
Cycle assist
Omega 3

anything else ?

4 times a week weight lifting will change each month high reps/low reps/super sets (i like to keep my body on shock)
3 days a week cardio with abs

is is better to stick to one routine?if yes which do you recomend the most during cycle

How does it all look?
Any advice or changes need to be made?
I am not sure I have ever seen a better cycle layout with all necessary research done! Great job brother. Will you be logging this cycle? I would be really interested to follow along and see your results.
Thank you
And thanks to everyone on this forum you all have been a great help .

Sure I'm preparing myself the most for it I still have a superman stack cycle to do starting next month hopefully I will shred more before January

I will log it for sure

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Hi guys ,

Although my cycle is planned for January but im preparing from now researching and fine tuning to make the best out of it.
My stats:
Weight:180 pounds
Bf%: 7.5% might have increased to 8.5%
Height: 5’10

goal is to gain lean mass to reduce bf%

In one of my earlier threads with Dylans advice my next cycle will be as follows
1-14 test e 350 mg week
1-14 mast e 800 mg week
1-14 primo 800 mg week
1-16 aromasin 12.5 mg eod
1-16 proviron 50 mg day
1-6 tbol 60 mg day
1-6 cycle assist
1-16 rad140 20 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-16 mk677 25 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-16 sr9009 30 mg day... 5 mg split doses 2-3 hours apart
1-12 lgd-4033 10 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
5-16 S4 50 mg day... split doses... 25 mg in the a.m. and 25 mg 4-6 hours later
1-16 GW-510516 20 mg day… dosed all at once 30 minutes before workout…
1-12 mk-2866 25 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
13-16 hcg 1000 ius week

pct 17-20

clomid 50/50/25/25
nolva 40/20/20/20
aromasin 12.5 mg eod
mk-2866 25 mg day
gw-501516 20 mg day
mk677 25 mg day
sr9009 30 mg day

I will have my diet on 500 kal deficit about 290 protein/ 90 carb/100/fat
is that about right?

Milk thistle
Cycle assist
Omega 3

anything else ?

4 times a week weight lifting will change each month high reps/low reps/super sets (i like to keep my body on shock)
3 days a week cardio with abs

is is better to stick to one routine?if yes which do you recomend the most during cycle

How does it all look?
Any advice or changes need to be made?

I love this cycle man. It looks really badasss to me, and very well planned out. One thing I will mention is that I don't know how estrogen sensitive you are, but if you're not like me, then all that Masteron with Aromasin on top if it might be a little much and lower estrogen too much, especially with only a 350mg test dose. Just keep an eye on that, as I just learned the hard way about how Masteron and Aromasin was too much and that was with 600 test

Everything else looks spot on brother
I like that you're cutting and have a kicker here. Actually now that I think about it, having a kicker only makes sense when you are cutting so you can put on the mass right at the beginning before leaning out the rest of the way. Doesn't do much good when bulking other than shortening your growth window.

Phurious Pharma Rep
Email me at [email protected]
Code 'JS5' for 5% off
I love this cycle man. It looks really badasss to me, and very well planned out. One thing I will mention is that I don't know how estrogen sensitive you are, but if you're not like me, then all that Masteron with Aromasin on top if it might be a little much and lower estrogen too much, especially with only a 350mg test dose. Just keep an eye on that, as I just learned the hard way about how Masteron and Aromasin was too much and that was with 600 test

Everything else looks spot on brother

You think I should reduce Aromasin intake to e3d instead of eod ?

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I like that you're cutting and have a kicker here. Actually now that I think about it, having a kicker only makes sense when you are cutting so you can put on the mass right at the beginning before leaning out the rest of the way. Doesn't do much good when bulking other than shortening your growth window.

Phurious Pharma Rep
Email me at [email protected]
Code 'JS5' for 5% off

I was thinking of having 500 kcal pluse in the first 6 weeks and then shift to 500 deficit .
Do you think it's a good idea or its best to maintain 500 deficit the entire cycle ?

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thats a mean ass cycle if i do say so myself!! very very strong brother... im not sure on your thinking on eating 500 over maintenance the first 6 weeks while cutting... thats completely backwards... you could start at a 250 deficit and then go to 500 but thats way too drastic of a shift and it really makes next to no sense here whatsoever..

you should be fine with every other day on aromasin unless your one of those that crashes estrogen easily but most should be on a dose near that when running test over 250... you will have to judge accordingly...
Thank you so much Dylan
I'm in the end of this cycle now and I haven't looked or felt better
I'm now 92kg and about 7% fat
In two weeks I'll start my pct and I just can't thank you enough man .

I did exactly what you said but I dropped the tbol after the 3rd week I felt my body is too sensitive for any kind of pills so to be safe I dropped it and went along with the rest and still gained lean muscle and did loose fat in the process

Thanks again
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Thank you so much Dylan
I'm in the end of this cycle now and I haven't looked or felt better
I'm now 92kg and about 7% fat
In two weeks I'll start my pct and I just can't thank you enough man .

I did exactly what you said but I dropped the tbol after the 3rd week I felt my body is too sensitive for any kind of pills so to be safe I dropped it and went along with the rest and still gained lean muscle and did loose fat in the process

Thanks again
you are very welcome brother and i appreciate the update... im extremely happy for you and thats some serious progress man! nice work!! what are you planning after pct?
After pct I'll drop all for one full month but stay on mk677 then include gw and mk2866 for about 3 months till I start my next cycle.

I will for sure take your advice for my next cycle
From what I know so far that I'm too sensitive to take steroid pills and I hate water retiontion.
I have done tren in the cycle before this didn't get the aggression sides.i have also read about ment and open to take it if you think it's good for me but anyway I trust what you recommend.
I like clean gains and maintaining or loosing fat at the same time . My goal to gain 5 to 10 pounds and loose 1 to 2% fat

Do you think this is a good plan or you have a better recommendation?
Thank you so much Dylan
I'm in the end of this cycle now and I haven't looked or felt better
I'm now 92kg and about 7% fat
In two weeks I'll start my pct and I just can't thank you enough man .

I did exactly what you said but I dropped the tbol after the 3rd week I felt my body is too sensitive for any kind of pills so to be safe I dropped it and went along with the rest and still gained lean muscle and did loose fat in the process

Thanks again

That's awesome bro. I'm glad you had amazing results and thank you for the feedback.
After pct I'll drop all for one full month but stay on mk677 then include gw and mk2866 for about 3 months till I start my next cycle.

I will for sure take your advice for my next cycle
From what I know so far that I'm too sensitive to take steroid pills and I hate water retiontion.
I have done tren in the cycle before this didn't get the aggression sides.i have also read about ment and open to take it if you think it's good for me but anyway I trust what you recommend.
I like clean gains and maintaining or loosing fat at the same time . My goal to gain 5 to 10 pounds and loose 1 to 2% fat

Do you think this is a good plan or you have a better recommendation?
MENT will give you more water retention than any other steroid you can run bro... it will destroy your estrogen so i want you aware of that.. the plan you just gave is far better...
MENT will give you more water retention than any other steroid you can run bro... it will destroy your estrogen so i want you aware of that.. the plan you just gave is far better...
Then ment is out of the queation

What should I take with tren ?

In one of you video you mentioned the best recomp is tren and eq

What's the difference between primo and eq ?

What's the best stack to take with tren ?
Then ment is out of the queation

What should I take with tren ?

In one of you video you mentioned the best recomp is tren and eq

What's the difference between primo and eq ?

What's the best stack to take with tren ?
I'd go test, tren, EQ myself.

Something like this

1-16 Test C 350mg per week
1-16 eq 800mg per week
1-12 tren E 300mg per week
1-16 aromasin 12.5mg EOD
1-12 caber 0.5mg every 3 days
1-16 rad140 20mg per day dosed in the am
1-12 S4 50mg per day split 25mg am and 25mg 4-6 hours later
1-16 GW 20mg per day


Clomid 50/50/25/25
Nolva 40/20/20/20
Aromasin 12.5mg EOD
MK2866 25mg per day
GW 20mg per day
I'd go test, tren, EQ myself.

Something like this

1-16 Test C 350mg per week
1-16 eq 800mg per week
1-12 tren E 300mg per week
1-16 aromasin 12.5mg EOD
1-12 caber 0.5mg every 3 days
1-16 rad140 20mg per day dosed in the am
1-12 S4 50mg per day split 25mg am and 25mg 4-6 hours later
1-16 GW 20mg per day


Clomid 50/50/25/25
Nolva 40/20/20/20
Aromasin 12.5mg EOD
MK2866 25mg per day
GW 20mg per day

What do you think of adding
Masteron e
To it ?

I am running mk677 anyway with and without my cycle

Last question on which week does the pct start? I know eq is a very long ester
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What do you think of adding
Masteron e
To it ?

I am running mk677 anyway with and without my cycle

Last question on which week does the pct start? I know eq is a very long ester
i can make this VERY VERY easy for you but i need some more info from you and please be specific... what are your goals? what are your stats? age/height/weight/body fat? what other compounds have you ran?
i can make this VERY VERY easy for you but i need some more info from you and please be specific... what are your goals? what are your stats? age/height/weight/body fat? what other compounds have you ran?
Goal : 95- 97 kg 5-6% body fat
Stats : 91 kg 7% fat
Age : 39
Height : 175
Other compounds : sustanon , test e , test cyp , test p , winstrol , halo , Tbol , mast , hgh , igf, primo, tren ace .
Winstrol (killed my joints )
Halo (fucked me up )
Tbol ( too sensitive I felt my kidney )
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