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My third cycle - test deca primo?


New member
Hey Dylan and anyone else with good advice,
So I’m trying to get going on my third cycle. My first cycle was test cyp 250mg/wk for 10 weeks then taper off for the last two weeks. 2nd cycle was 420mg/wk for 14 weeks. I did not use any ancillaries on my first two cycles and my pct only consisted of nolvadex. I felt good but I did have some high blood pressure and possibly a little gyno. It’s hard for me to tell because I think I already had mild gyno from puberty. I never had any of the signs like lumps, sensitivity or itchiness. About 6 weeks after my second cycle and pct I had some puffiness though. Is it possible for gyno to occur that late and not during cycle at all?
I never got any pre labs done because I didn’t realize it was necessary when only taking test. I am absolutely getting them done before my third cycle though. Im going on 12 weeks now since my last cycle. Trying to let my body return to normal so I can have some accurate blood work to go off of. I am 27 years old. 6’ tall and weigh 184lbs with around 16 or 17% body fat. My scale says 17% but my fat caliper says 14%.
So for my third cycle I was thinking running test 350mg/wk for 14-16wks. deca - 350mg/wk for 12 weeks.
Also primobolan at 600-800mg/wk for 14-16 weeks.
I know I need to take aromasin for estrogen and dostinex for prolactin while running this stack but I’m not sure how much I should start with until I get my mid labs done. Where do you think I should start?
Does this sound like a good cycle for me and could you recommend the best possible pct plan for it?
Thanks a lot and I look forward to some good advice.
Also I’d like to add that I appreciate your videos Dylan Gemelli. I watch them every morning while doing cardio. I think they have helped me the most in trying to gain the knowledge that I need to do something like this.
Well since I came off my last cycle I have been trying to lean out a lot more and I still have a little ways to go before I want to start putting on mass again. I want to put on some clean lean mass. I’m not so interested in putting on mass that I would take dbol or anything like that. I want some consistent sustainable gains. To my understanding primo is good for that and really accents deca to make it that much better.
i would get your body fat down before you start anything... you should be in the 12-13% range to run any cycle... with 350 mg of deca .25 mg every 3 days of caber will be fine and 12.5 mg eod of aromasin will work well...

im really glad my videos are helping... its clear you are listening and learning by the doses you have written down along with the type of cycle... respect for that...

when you are in pct, you are going to get a major spike in cortisol... cortisol is termed the "gains killer" for a reason... it will put you into a catabolic state which will not allow you to build muscle and at the same time will eat it away, on top of the fact you will also get unwanted fat gain... so you will lose muscle and gain fat that you had just busted your ass an entire cycle for... GW and MK prevent the rise in cortisol... not only that but they keep you performing at a level you were while on cycle being the ultimate performance enhancers they are... on top of the fact that mk2866 is the ultimate for healing and recovery, which is imperative in pct as well as keeping strength up to a very high level... gw will also treat cholesterol and blood pressure, which are definitely things that need addressed in pct as well…

clomid 50/50/50/25//25/25
nolva 40/40/40/20/20/20
aromasin 12.5 mg eod
mk-2866 25 mg day (ONLY 4 WEEKS)
gw-501516 20 mg day
Right on Dylan I appreciate it.
Will I discontinue caber after I discontinue the deca a couple weeks before the test? Or will I run it all the up until I start pct?
I really don’t know much about sarms. They sound great but if the benefits are great with little to no side effects, especially not increasing the chances of prostate cancer, I don’t understand why anyone uses anabolics over sarms.
Am I missing something?

Now on the pct you have laid for me. Is the clomid and nolvadex laid out for 6 weeks? 50/40 week one to 25/20 week six? Aromasin continued all the way through pct as well?
Will I start the mk and gw the same day my pct starts?
Lastly with deca and test cyp being such long esters, I should start pct 10-14 days after last injection?
yes, stop caber when you stop deca... well anabolics are stronger than sarms bro, thats why...

yes, thats 6 weeks... 50 mg PER DAY the first three weeks then drop to 25 mg the last three weeks... you run aromasin all the way through and yes you start mk and gw the same day it starts...
Hey Dylan, I have finally got my body fat down closer to where i need to be and I'm finally about to get my next cycle. I have decided against taking the primo with my cycle. Is a 6 week pct still necessary or will 4 weeks be good? The cycle is test 350mg/14 weeks. deca 350mg/12 weeks. thanks
Hey Dylan, I have finally got my body fat down closer to where i need to be and I'm finally about to get my next cycle. I have decided against taking the primo with my cycle. Is a 6 week pct still necessary or will 4 weeks be good? The cycle is test 350mg/14 weeks. deca 350mg/12 weeks. thanks

Yes you will still need a full 6 week pct. Deca can be very hard to recover from

clomid 50/50/50/25//25/25
nolva 40/40/40/20/20/20
aromasin 12.5 mg eod
mk-2866 25 mg day (ONLY 4 WEEKS)
gw-501516 20 mg day
when you are in pct, you are going to get a major spike in cortisol... cortisol is termed the "gains killer" for a reason... it will put you into a catabolic state which will not allow you to build muscle and at the same time will eat it away, on top of the fact you will also get unwanted fat gain... so you will lose muscle and gain fat that you had just busted your ass an entire cycle for... GW and MK prevent the rise in cortisol... not only that but they keep you performing at a level you were while on cycle being the ultimate performance enhancers they are... on top of the fact that mk2866 is the ultimate for healing and recovery, which is imperative in pct as well as keeping strength up to a very high level... gw will also treat cholesterol and blood pressure, which are definitely things that need addressed in pct as well…Organ ST plays a pivotal role in a post-cycle therapy (PCT). There’s a strong misconception that the role of a PCT is simply to restart the natural testosterone production that was shut down from the steroid cycle. While this is true, there are a lot of the other issues that the body has to deal with during a PCT: hormone fluctuations, high liver enzymes, increased blood pressure, pressure on the kidneys and endocrine system, high stress and cortisol levels, the list goes on...Organ ST helps address all of these problems and helps you recover in a timely manner. The quicker you recover, the less likelihood of any long-term problems occurring, and the more likely that all gains you make during your cycle are retained.

clomid 50/50/50/25//25/25
nolva 40/40/40/20/20/20
aromasin 12.5 mg eod
mk-2866 25 mg day (ONLY 4 WEEKS)
gw-501516 20 mg day
I was hoping to get some thoughts and educated opinions from anyone willing. I just got my labs back and was a bit discouraged with what i saw. I have only done two low dose test cycles ever. It has been 7 months since my last cycle. My total testosterone came back at 243 ng/dl on the very bottom of the spectrum and considerably lower than the average male for my age. (28 years old). I didn't think this would be an issue. I felt like i would be in the average range or slightly above honestly. Is it possible after 7 months i still have not rebounded. Im not sure what my plan of action should be. Go ahead start my third cycle or continue to wait and see if my numbers go up?
My LH was only at 1.0 MIU/ml and FSH at 2.1 MIU/ml. Both also on the low side.
You,defnitely should not be starting a cycle right now. I would probably go see an endo. What did you run for your last pct?
What is endo short for? My last cycle was 420mg/wk for 14 weeks and pct was just nolva 40mg/day for a week and 20mg after that for 2 more weeks. I fucked up and ran short on the nolva.
Just last week was the first blood work I had done. Ik I fucked up by not getting any done before the use of the test. That is why I have waited so long until now to get the blood work done hoping I could get an idea what my normal baseline should be. I guess it is possible that I had low normal test to start with but I never really felt like I did other than getting drowsy often or gaining body fat quickly if my diet and exercise was not on point. I have always been that way. Yes I agree the pct was inadequate. I was hoping that running such a mild cycle I would recover no problem. Like I said I was expecting good lab results because I feel fine I think. I never went through any bad sides or dark times when I came off so I thought I was gonna be just fine. I felt I bounced back quickly but numbers show otherwise. This has pretty well scared me away from using anything but test from now on if I even get to do that again.
clearly there is so much wrong here... you never ran any kind of pct... what did you expect from a pointless nolva only pct? thats pointless and will recover nothing for you... not having a baseline makes it beyond impossible to help.. you just need an endocrinologist.. there's not much we can do here... you really dont have anything for us to work with aside from the fact you ran nothing for pct and that has a great deal to do with it.. you could TRY a REAL pct but i would just go to the endo man
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