Hello. Starting my first cycle after new years. Going with Test E + aromasin. aswell as hcg and all the other PCT-stuff. (Got all this figured out)
But Id really like to shred down to the summer, is it a bad idea to either end my "first" cycle with winstrol or to do a clen cycle afterwards? Are there better prep out there than clen? (looking for great results with minimal sides, as everyone does lol)
Im a decent sized dude. Training for about 4 years natty:
190ish lbs
My goal is to put on some mass during my Test E cycle and then finish it off with a nice cut, down to about 7-8% bf.
Basically - What is the best approach? How do I make most out of my cycle and still be very lean in June?
Thanks in advance.
But Id really like to shred down to the summer, is it a bad idea to either end my "first" cycle with winstrol or to do a clen cycle afterwards? Are there better prep out there than clen? (looking for great results with minimal sides, as everyone does lol)
Im a decent sized dude. Training for about 4 years natty:
190ish lbs
My goal is to put on some mass during my Test E cycle and then finish it off with a nice cut, down to about 7-8% bf.
Basically - What is the best approach? How do I make most out of my cycle and still be very lean in June?
Thanks in advance.
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