Hi! Thanks for trying to help me! So, when I was in Colombia, everything was easy to get in terms of roids and whatnot. My goal was always to compete in the men's physique category but I could not do it since I was working to much at home. It really needs dedication and time. Now, I am in the US again and here everything is more expensive and more difficult to get (roids). Actually, one friend of mine wants to send me some, but another friend told me to read about Sarms. I am 5'7 and 81kgs. It has been hard for me to get at this shape and weight since my my body type is ectomorph. I want to keep muscle quality. I mean, i want to gain more mass but no too much fat. In the pic you can see that my legs are not ripped. So, I would like to gain more muscle and get ripped afterwards. ( I do not know if I am clear. It would be better in Spanish!! Some concepts are difficult to translate...
Now... Do you suggest another cycle of roids or Sarms?
In case it is Sarms... What would be my first Sarms Cycle? Do I need a PCT? I heard of OStarine... Thanks for your help.