
My Brother killed himself today....

I'm sorry brother. I hate knowing stuff like this happens. My heart goes out to you and your family
JM, I am so sorry for your loss. I'm just now seeing this, and I know there are know words that anyone can say to make this any easier.
Just remember where you come from and what you have been through. You have the strength to deal with this and make it through.
I am always here if you need/want to talk.
Hey brotha words can't express how sorry I am. If your brother was anything like you then he was a great guy. Try to stay strong for your family and his kids. If you wanna text or chat I'll give you my number. My thoughts and prayers are with you!

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So sorry to hear this!!! I couldn't even imagine what you and you family is going through! You and your family is in my thoughts and prayers.
Don't feel guilty because you did everything you could to help your brother. Those thoughts and being depressed is worse than we could think off. I have been with those problems and I know how hard it is to deal with them. I've saved my mum couple of times to commit suicide and I know how bad it is, even though I didn't lose her. Sometimes it is way to hard but you did a great job because you always support him and you did eveything you possibly could. Be strong, you will surprass this moment in your life and you will become a stronger version of yourself in every way possible.
So sorry brother! Words can't even describe the emotions. I'm praying for you and your family!
I'm so sorry. I've waited to post on this thread because there's nothing I can do to make it better. I know how close you two were and how protective you are. If there's anything that could have been done, I know that you would have done it. Don't be hard on yourself over this. It's a horrible, horrible thing that has happened. I love you very much and I'm always there for you anytime you need anything.

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Like everyone else, you have my sympathy and condolences. Unfortunately, breaking off relationships and marriage especially causes so much pain and irrational behavior. I've helped two co-workers get over their divorces in the last three years....its difficult because their hurt is so great that they often don't know how to handle it. You offered yourself to your brother, unfortunately for his own reasons, he made a painful decision. I only share this to try to help you understand that its not just your brother that acted irrationally with the hurt of infidelity. Stay strong brother and God bless your family.
I am so sorry for your loss. Prayers sent. Remember you have friends here who you can lean on.
You have no idea how much it means to hear from you guys. I'm so angry at him for doing this. He hurt all of my family, and he knows I am the type of guy that will do ANYTHING for anyone. I pride myself on that.
In 1994, our mom was hit by a car and died the next day. Never got to say good bye to her, and now the same with my Brother.....
This is not a thread for sympathy. I just want to put this up here so that I can at least get a little encouragement and strength from you guys. 3 months ago, my younger brother Barry took a contract job in south carolina. Him and his wife lived in New Hampshire. The plan was for them to eventually move down south cause he hated the cold. So he got a contract job making some really good money.

The game plan was for him to save up as much as he could while down there so in a yr or so, they would have plenty of money to get situated. Well last week he calls me and tells me that his wife been cheating on him! She stayed in N.h. while he went to S.C. A recipe for disaster!! He told me he plugged in his iPad, and all the lovey dove messages popped up from his wife and some dude that she met at the Gym...
So he confronted her on the phone. She admitted to it and then told him she wanted a divorce. She has always been a cold hearted bitch. So I told him, I'm here for you lil brother. The plan was next thurs he was gunna come back to NH and stay with me cause she told him she didn't want him staying there. I talked to him in a txt yesterday and all seemed ok. Today, june 13th is his birthday. 7:15 this AM

t hime. Happy birthday bro. I never got a response. This was not like him. Then about 3 pm today, I get a call from my sister at work, and I knew right off the bat what had happened!
I'm so fucking mad right now! I have no brother anymore. I'm hurting very badly. This sucks so bad. He had a 19 yr old son and a 17 yr old daughter. Although the autopsy has not come back yet, I know in my heart he did not die by natural causes. He didn't drink, smoke ect... please say a prayer for mybrother Barry and his family. This is killing me and I really need your support.

thanks for listening to me.

he was going to be 50 yrs old today......
Hey it's hard to talk to someone on the Comp, Y,ou can can call me , I lost two brothers , both younger. Talking , only helps . I gave you my number call me. , If not call someone else.
Sorry for your loss bro. Encouragement is hard to find in times like these, but know that she's gonna get it back ten fold.
So very sorry to hear. No words could possibly describe what you are feeling. Your brother and you were obviously close - and helped make you who you are as you had enriched his life. Be strong - for him - and peace to you bro.

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I am so incredibly sorry for your loss. I will pray for your emotional healing and strength during this hard time :(.
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