
My 2nd Cycle


New member
Hi Guys,
I am new to this site as you could tell by checking my post count.

For my 1st cylce, I ran
Test E for 12 weeks
Asin 12.5mg from week 3-12
HCG: week 9-13

Clomid 50/50/25/25
Nolva: 40/40/20/20

For my 2nd cycle, I am thinking of running the same gears again.

I was able to get my hands of pharma grade gear from a source on Reddit. The source is offline now. Trying to get phara grade again too.

What do you guys think about my 2nd cycle?

Thank you for the introduction yotommoyboy. Your first cycle looked great. What kind of gainz did you make? What are your goals for your second cycle?


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We need your full stats, goals, and experience before we can advise you on anything bro
Sorry guys, I thought I added my stats but i didn't. I should have reviewed my post before submitting it.
28/5'9"/183ish/10-12% bf

First Cylce, I was up 17 and was able to keep 5 of those 17 lb.
My first cycle (incl. PCT) ended the 1st week of December 2016
Been around 20 weeks I would say.

For this cycle, I am hoping for something similar. Would even take 3-4lb of lean mass.
What are you wanting to do bro.. Gain muscle and stay lean or put on 20lbs
Its possible to put on 10 and keep your bf about the same.. The main thing is what you want.. We can give you advice to get you there

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So test E and EQ?
Why oral do you recommend?
Orals I wanted to try SDrol during my last cycle but decided against it. Wanted my first cycle to be just test
I never really looked into EQ. I would need to look into how to cycle it with test E. Any recommendations​?
600 to 800mg a week. It's a long ester and doesn't peak till week 8 and it's best to run it for 16 weeka

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I agree with BigBusiness. EQ would be great with test.
600mg a week with Eq.. Its not to hard on the body.. I'm gonna try it in my next cycle.. Done alot of research on it..

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So I would be running Test E from 1-12 weeks and EQ from 1-16.

hCG 12-16
And then PCT 2 weeks after last shot of EQ?
1-16 test e
1-15 EQ
14-18 hcg 500ius 2x a week
18-21 pct

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This may be the last cycle I do for a while. Getting married next year so running a cycle after that would be IMPOSSIBLE!!

How's the recovery from a 16 week cycle?
you need a full and complete pct.. you are good with the compounds listed but you MUST run a full pct...

when you are in pct, you are going to get a major spike in cortisol... cortisol is termed the "gains killer" for a reason... it will put you into a catabolic state which will not allow you to build muscle and at the same time will eat it away, on top of the fact you will also get unwanted fat gain... so you will lose muscle and gain fat that you had just busted your ass an entire cycle for... GW and MK prevent the rise in cortisol... not only that but they keep you performing at a level you were while on cycle being the ultimate performance enhancers they are... on top of the fact that mk2866 is the ultimate for healing and recovery, which is imperative in pct as well as keeping strength up to a very high level... gw will also treat cholesterol and blood pressure, which are definitely things that need addressed in pct as well…

here is the link to purchase the entire pct stack followed by the layout...

clomid 50/50/25/25
nolva 40/20/20/20
aromasin 12.5 mg eod
mk-2866 25 mg day
gw-501516 20 mg day
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