For the record I use it as PWO as well. I will say this, your body will do a good job letting you know you need to back off... unless you overdo it to the point where the words 'acute', 'septic' and 'urgent' have to be used by medical personnel. I know a guy who cycles with this and he's like the Abdominal Snow Man, so be wary at the least of this and understand that potency is of utmost concern as you might try x brand and have a decent experience as it was underdosed perhaps and then very well end up with gut wrenching pain from another source as it is more concentrated. I might love the shit, but you ain't me and I try to gauge things as at my age I feel every little contortion and gas bubble being an old fart. Still built better than 99% of the fucks my age, or ten years younger... but at a price. I'll be on a staple of pain meds for aches and pains while you guys are popping multi-vites still.