


New member
Hey guys,

I was originally planning on taking Osterine for my first Sarm. After a little more research I’m now thinking about taking MK677 first for a while since Dylan recommends taking it for a minimum of 6 months. Once I’m good I may add something else in (advice needed). I don’t want to stack multiple sarms my first attempt so I’m wondering if this would be a good start? Again I’m ok starting slow. It looking for the best Sarm for my first try. I just want a little push nothing crazy.

Also I’m reading bout MK677 and its increase on insulin resistance? What’s everyone’s experience with this? Doesn’t make sense that it will help you burn fat and build muscle if it makes you insulin resistant? Thanks in advance.
this is completely fine to start with... you dont generally run into anyone having insulin resistance with it... there are rare cases but its not often i ever see it...
Great I’m going to order soon. Say I did become insulin resistant due to MK-677, how would I know? Is there something I’d be looking for or blood test only?
Great I’m going to order soon. Say I did become insulin resistant due to MK-677, how would I know? Is there something I’d be looking for or blood test only?
You could monitor your blood sugar levels with a glucometer and tell a lot from that
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