
MK677 for injury recovery


New member
Hey Dylan, I just got done watching a Youtube video of you on MK677. I am interested to hear your take on it as you seem very educated on the matter.
I am curious to know how it may benefit me. I am 28 years old and very active. I am a personal trainer, chiropractic assistant and health coach. Last year I discovered a tear in my lumbar disc at L5/S1 and it has really changed my workouts and my career. I have not been the same since. I've had to give up a lot of exercises and am in constant chronic pain in the low back. In addition to that I recently tore my labrum in my right shoulder while playing recreational football. Lifting made it worse to the point where i had to stop altogether. I recently received an injection of regenerative medicine in my shoulder (PRP and Stem Cells) to promote healing, but it has not helped me make a full recovery.
I am curious to know if MK677 would benefit my disc and/or shoulder. A few questions i have are:
- How long is recommended to take it for? How long is a typical cycle?
- What side effects have to heard of or noticed aside from hunger or water retention?
- What is the best source of MK677 and what is the best brand or company?
- How much would it cost and where is it purchased?

I would like to thank you in advance for taking time to read and respond to this email. Its been a trying year for my physical health and I am willing to give almost anything a try (within reason), it has affected my career and I don't want it to negatively impact it further.
I'll let a few of the other guys chime in.. But MK677 and Ostarine have some great healing benefits. I had shoulder and knee issues that I have fully recovered from, but degenerate disc issues I have suffered from have not been cured by any means. It has helped a bit but chronic issues such as those I'm not sure how much you will really benefit.
Good luck with your recover my friend.

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SARMSX is absolutely the best source for SARMS and the purest I have used.

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Hey Dylan, I just got done watching a Youtube video of you on MK677. I am interested to hear your take on it as you seem very educated on the matter.
I am curious to know how it may benefit me. I am 28 years old and very active. I am a personal trainer, chiropractic assistant and health coach. Last year I discovered a tear in my lumbar disc at L5/S1 and it has really changed my workouts and my career. I have not been the same since. I've had to give up a lot of exercises and am in constant chronic pain in the low back. In addition to that I recently tore my labrum in my right shoulder while playing recreational football. Lifting made it worse to the point where i had to stop altogether. I recently received an injection of regenerative medicine in my shoulder (PRP and Stem Cells) to promote healing, but it has not helped me make a full recovery.
I am curious to know if MK677 would benefit my disc and/or shoulder. A few questions i have are:
- How long is recommended to take it for? How long is a typical cycle?
- What side effects have to heard of or noticed aside from hunger or water retention?
- What is the best source of MK677 and what is the best brand or company?
- How much would it cost and where is it purchased?

I would like to thank you in advance for taking time to read and respond to this email. Its been a trying year for my physical health and I am willing to give almost anything a try (within reason), it has affected my career and I don't want it to negatively impact it further.

MK-677 has some awesome healing benefits which could benefit you to some degree with your recovery, and possibly help your shoulder but I wouldn't expect a lot to help your back situation to be honest. Degenerative conditions with discs are a whole different animal.

MK-677 is best ran 6 months to a year to capitalize on its full GH releasing properties. It may increase hunger for a short time in some people, but many don't experience this at all. It enhances sleep,many there should be no real water retention with a diet that contains enough potassium rich foods, proper hydration, and keeping sodium intake from getting too high.

The absolute best source for MK-677 and other sarms is you won't find it better anywhere else

I personally recommend you also add in MK-2866 and LGD-4033 to it as well, to provide yourself with a full healing stack, that will also produce some very nice gains in lean mass and strength while dropping bodyfat.

This stack will be ran for 12 weeks, and you can keep running the MK-677 beyond that for as long as you choose. The longer you run it the better

Here is the layout, all available from

I provided you links for both the cycle and the pct stacks that cover everything you need

1-12 MK-2866 25mg ED dosed once in the AM
1-12 LGD 10mg per day dosed once in the AM
1-12 MK-677 25mg per day dosed once in the AM


Clomid 50/25/25/25
GW 20mg per day

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
Hey Dylan, I just got done watching a Youtube video of you on MK677. I am interested to hear your take on it as you seem very educated on the matter.
I am curious to know how it may benefit me. I am 28 years old and very active. I am a personal trainer, chiropractic assistant and health coach. Last year I discovered a tear in my lumbar disc at L5/S1 and it has really changed my workouts and my career. I have not been the same since. I've had to give up a lot of exercises and am in constant chronic pain in the low back. In addition to that I recently tore my labrum in my right shoulder while playing recreational football. Lifting made it worse to the point where i had to stop altogether. I recently received an injection of regenerative medicine in my shoulder (PRP and Stem Cells) to promote healing, but it has not helped me make a full recovery.
I am curious to know if MK677 would benefit my disc and/or shoulder. A few questions i have are:
- How long is recommended to take it for? How long is a typical cycle?
- What side effects have to heard of or noticed aside from hunger or water retention?
- What is the best source of MK677 and what is the best brand or company?
- How much would it cost and where is it purchased?

I would like to thank you in advance for taking time to read and respond to this email. Its been a trying year for my physical health and I am willing to give almost anything a try (within reason), it has affected my career and I don't want it to negatively impact it further.

hey bro, im glad you came to me with this question...

YES, mk677 would be very ideal for you and wextremely beneficial to help with your healing process... the healing and recovery stack is what i would ultimately recommend... here is the link to get the entire stack...

to answer your questions

1. mk677 should be ran 6 months to a year

2. other than what you listed, lethargy the first few weeks is the only other side effect associated

3. by far

4. it is purchased at

Here is the layout for the healing and recovery stack... you would continue mk677 after you complete the cycle...

1-12 mk677 25 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-12 lgd-4033 10 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-12 mk-2866 25 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
9-12 daa

Mini pct 13-16

clomid 50/25/25/25
gw-501516 20 mg day
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