

My shoulder tendon healed in 3 weeks, versus several months of issues.

Otoh,the sides for me were massive. I had to drop to 1/2 dose.

Mk certainly helps my recovery after a heavy workout day
I had some bloating, lethargy, extreme hunger!! But once the sides subdued it has been amazing ever since!!! Im now running the NandroX, EQ stacked with it and I fuckin love it. I feel like a anabolic machine right now. Endurance is threw the roof and my recovery time is phenomenal

I had some bloating, lethargy, extreme hunger!! But once the sides subdued it has been amazing ever since!!! Im now running the NandroX, EQ stacked with it and I fuckin love it. I feel like a anabolic machine right now. Endurance is threw the roof and my recovery time is phenomenal


excellent brother... im really happy to see how its working for you... you just have to get by those initial sides and after that, it just shines as you can see!
Thats good to hear. I'm thinking of trying it after my cycle of S4 & LGD 4033

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Thats good to hear. I'm thinking of trying it after my cycle of S4 & LGD 4033

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

very wise decision... its dosed at 25 mg per day once a day in the a.m... you can literally start it anytime... run it 6 months at the minimum but a year is recommended...
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