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What's good Dylan? Big fan of your vids brother was just watching the one regarding mk-677 very informative but my question was how does this compare to GH in terms of IU's thanks
What's good Dylan? Big fan of your vids brother was just watching the one regarding mk-677 very informative but my question was how does this compare to GH in terms of IU's thanks

you dont take it in IUs... its 25 mg per day...

if your asking how many ius 25 mg per day would be comparable to then that's not really a fair question... there's so many different types of hgh out there... 2 ius of one may be 10 of another etc... So that's a question thats beyond impossible to answer.. You cant say that 25 mg of 677 is equal to 3 ius of hgh etc... thats not possible...

what i can tell you is that its the very next best thing to actual hgh... there is no denying that...
What's good Dylan? Big fan of your vids brother was just watching the one regarding mk-677 very informative but my question was how does this compare to GH in terms of IU's thanks

No way to really compare the two bro as Dylan said. What I can say is that 25mg per day is the recommended dose, and it produces some great results there that are similar to GH. I'm enjoying it myself. It's a great compound, and obviously much more cost effective than GH without having to pin anything. Just make sure you get the good stuff from

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
ok but how does this compare to peptide combos like cjc dac 1295 with ghrp2 mk 677 sure is more convenient than having to pin 3x a day but I mean in terms of effect? thanks
Peptide combos are fucking retarded. It's mostly Chinese shit product your injecting and who the fuck would even wanna mess with that stuff lol. Ridiculous.

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Peptide combos are fucking retarded. It's mostly Chinese shit product your injecting and who the fuck would even wanna mess with that stuff lol. Ridiculous.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

yeah I Know most peptides are bunk but legit peptides can be found but regarding the mk 677 how long does the hunger last after each dose?
yeah I Know most peptides are bunk but legit peptides can be found but regarding the mk 677 how long does the hunger last after each dose?

In my opinion, there is no comparison between them. I have yet to see any real results that looked worth it with the peptides, where MK-677 does produce some great results. To me it's a no brainier between them

The hunger from it for those that get it, usually only lasts a week or two. Then subsides. I personally never noticed a difference in my hunger on it really

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
bro, your not going to be starving 24-7 if thats what your concerned about... everyone is different... i cant tell you it last 3.25 hours and then stops... your asking an impossible question...
was it constant for the whole 24 hours or did it subside within a few hours after taking each dose?? thanks

Came and went every few hours, by the time I was done eating, I was hungry again. Seems like a good repartitioning agent, I just get fuller rather than spilling over
Came and went every few hours, by the time I was done eating, I was hungry again. Seems like a good repartitioning agent, I just get fuller rather than spilling over

yes, a very good repartitioner for sure... it will come and go as you said but if your having any sort of trouble eating, which many do on cycle, 677 is perfect to get past that
yes, a very good repartitioner for sure... it will come and go as you said but if your having any sort of trouble eating, which many do on cycle, 677 is perfect to get past that

Agreed..definitely helps with appetite, hunger seems to have subsided after a couple weeks though
About to pull the trigger on 677, what kind of results can someone expect after 5 weeks?

you need to run it much longer than that... 5 weeks is barely scratching the surface and thats going to be with anything you use aside from an oral steroid... that's nothing... you will have some results in 5 weeks but your just getting started... 677 is ran year round... its amazing in what it does but you need to run it properly...
it one last question I had was does this need to be cycled or not? thanks

No it doesn't need cycled. You can stay on MK-677 as long as you wish. The longer the better actually

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
My shoulder tendon healed in 3 weeks, versus several months of issues.

Otoh,the sides for me were massive. I had to drop to 1/2 dose.

Mk certainly helps my recovery after a heavy workout day
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