Alright, getting a few things straight, coming from a guy that did plenty of research in the matter, as well as had done IF for 14 months. Before I get into this - IF is a tool in the toolbox, some people enjoy it, some people find it to be a great way to get control over their eating habits. It ain't no unicorn like the KinoBody guy says, otherwise everyone would look like him on IF.
"The whole point of IF is to eat fat stores and to sky rocket your natural GH"
Your Natural GH doesn't spike as much as you think. I have fasted for 3 weeks, having only water, I do so every 2 years, your GH is virtually never suppressed, and when I got blood work done and compared it with my IF as well as my normal diet, the results were minuscule, it's also supported by research.
The efficacy of IF to lose weight simply results from overall calorie deficit due to a narrow feeding window allowing potentially less calorie intake.
"Wondering what would happen if you threw MK-677 into the mix to get an even bigger GH response"
It would help greatly, but I find it somewhat funny, because you're essentially saying "I'm getting great speed on my bicycle, I wonder what'll happen if I hookup a space shuttle to the back of it". Those are not comparable. Just so you know, people on this forum experience twice the spike in GH after a ripping weight workout than you do on your diet. Also research supported. From what you're saying it seems to me that your knowldge on how it truly affects the endocrine axis comes from Youtubers, and not from academic sources or bloodwork.
"Also I'm aware that your hunger hormone might make it difficult to remain in the fasted state but I guess just smash down black coffee and mineral water?"
Not sure what "hormone" you are talking about, but I get the point. Trust me, if you can't fast for 16 hours before you eat and not feel hungry, you may be fairly new to IF. You need to truly learn the difference between hunger and HUNGER. Stick to your IF, maintain discipline, drink a lot of water, carbonated, whatever helps you. Either way, if you don't enjoy IF, you woulnd't be able to sustain it, coming from someone that had done it over a year.
In short, MK-677 is a great addition to any lifestyle, as long as it is a lifestyle, and not a fad
Hope that makes sense