
MK-2866 (Ostarine) Explained: A new video by Dylan Gemelli

No the video was great and up to par. Just dident hear any mention on its place for pct. I will research the mk2866 and pct video
actually i do several times over in the video i specifically did on pct... sorry the video isnt up to par for you

Hey Dylan, thanks for your video man. I learned alot, being a newbie. I like MK2866. Can I take this alone if it's my first cycle?
Hey Dylan, thanks for your video man. I learned alot, being a newbie. I like MK2866. Can I take this alone if it's my first cycle?
Yes you absolutely can. Just make sure you run it at the right dose and a full 12 weeks with proper pct
Yes you absolutely can. Just make sure you run it at the right dose and a full 12 weeks with proper pct

Thanks man, like I said. I apologize if I post/ask anything newbie-ish. Looking to start one light 12 week cycle. Will post blood results shortly and go from there.
Hey Dylan, thanks for your video man. I learned alot, being a newbie. I like MK2866. Can I take this alone if it's my first cycle?

This was the very first cycle I ran and the results made me a believer. You will like Ostarine very much if you run it like Dylan suggest

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