Any of you guys use Minoxidil/Rogaine? I'm 29.. will be 30 on the 1st of July and by no means am I balding and I don't think male pattern baldness runs in the family. My father has fine hair but at 60 years old he practically has all his hair aside from when he slicks it back you can kind of see his scalp in the back.. and that's how my hair is. When it's spiked you can't really tell that I have thin hair.. but I can! And I have a callick in the back that makes it seem like I'm balding. Anyways.. I don't want to risk running finasteride because of the side effects on libido and gyno and all that crap.. but about about Rogaine? I was thinking of getting the Kirkland brand from Costco since it's cheaper and it's practically the same thing!
Only thing I'm worried about is the shedding phase.. how much shedding do you think will occur because that's the only thing that's freaking me out! Opinions? Advice? Thanks guys!
Lipogaine is superior to plain minoxidil. However, the age old question of Male Pattern Baldness lies in your hormones. Some are predisposed. I was losing my hair in MPB fashion and I was shocked. I did the usual saw palmetto, keto shampoo, beta sisterol, anti dht diet and supplements... blah blah blah...
Then I actually started reading studies and stopped the hearsay I found in forums like immortal hair and etc...
Statistics show that men are losing their hair much quicker than the generations before them. Do you think that is a coincidence? It is not.
What got my hair back? I got my labs run first. I found out that I was estrogen dominant. In the simplistic form of being estrogen dominant is,
Higher estrogen than Testosterone, and Higher DHT than testosterone.
Why don't young males lose their hair? Their hormonal profile is more like High testosterone, mid level DHT and low estrogen.
This is a grossly simplistic look at the bigger picture. Other hormones that play into this is IGF1, prolactin, cortisol, dhea-s, and etc.
However, let me paint the simpler version of this picture. Everything around you is estrogen or estrogen mimicking. The food supply is full of estrogen. That is why we have so many people with health problems from simple hair loss to prostate cancer. Estrogen has its role in the human body, but at excessive amounts, it causes inflammation. I hate to sound like a conspiracy theorist but the truth is right in our face. Soy, flax, plastics, pesticides, tap water additives, rice, and more all are either extremely estrogenic or disrupts your Testosterone production.
I can spend hours at the grocery store because almost any snack or sauce is made with soy or soybean oil. They use soy lecithin as a filler product when they can easily use anything else. It is actually more expensive to use soy in products but for some reason companies still use it. Also note that 70s and 80s babies got a 10 fold increase in soy baby formula. Imagine all that estrogen in the womb. Imagine how it affects a baby's development.
Men are getting sicker younger, losing hair younger, more gays and transgender men than ever (which I have no problem with your life choices), more cases of prostate cancer, more cases of erectile dysfunction. The list goes on and on.
The real way to attack hair loss is to know your numbers. Once I addressed my estrogen problem, my hair started growing in with NO products on my head. Now I have few issues with my testosterone but that's because I have a pituitary tumor that is increasing my cortisol. However, that is a totally different subject.
I would suggest you look closely at your diet. I suggest if you have to supplement any thing, it would be zinc and vitamin D (or stand in sunlight more). Boron is also good.
Moral the story is, you can and have the power to slow, stop or even reverse your MPB. I know from a personal point of view. Also candida plays a role. Some people may have way too much fungal overgrowth disrupting their bodily functions. However I elect to go with the faulty American diet. It is designed to make you sick and once you are sick, you become a repeat customer in the health care system. It's a vicious cycle that you don't have to take my word for it. Look at statistics. Start digging around on Pubmed.
But that's my little rant for tonight.. be well bro..
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