
Metabolic pharma review


New member
So normally I run np gear but my buddy has switched to metabolic pharma I didn't find out until it came in...just wondering if anyone has tried there gear. Also I have masteron prop 100 and masteron prop 150 is it a good idea to bump mast up towards the end or keep it consistent all the way through. I have normally just kept it consistent but thought I may try bumping it up towards the end because I have 100 and 150 on hand.

Here's what I was thinking
Test 400 e4d
Npp 100 eod
Mast 100 eod 1st half then 2nd half bump to 150 eod
Aromasin 12.5 eod

Going to run for 12 weeks not sure if I am going to run npp all the way or drop at around 9 or 10 wk range

Some stats I'm 6'1 around 210-215 depends if I weigh myself after a cheat
Test 400? Pretty sure 400mg of test cannot be dosed effectively into 1ml of oil. Pros, correct me if I'm wrong?
so is bumping the mast up at the halfway point a good idea? Or should I start at 150 eod and finish at 150 eod?
Id just run it 150 eod start to finish. If you have enough why not. Like primo and equipoise, masteron dosing has a "sweet spot" in the 600-800 range where you get the best results.
^let me just make a correction.. primo is one that could and (in my opinion) should be run even higher than 600-800 but those ranges would be effective as well
I think I ll just start it a couple weeks after the test allow it to fully kick in and run 10 wks of mast so that its 150 the whole way.
Thanks for the advice
super test.jpg

Test 400? Pretty sure 400mg of test cannot be dosed effectively into 1ml of oil. Pros, correct me if I'm wrong?

400mg test is possible, some of the first test i ever used was test400 from mexico. Problem i had with it was that the shit hurt way too much, i was in pain the entire cycle.
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My test is 400. I pin 600mg of solution twice a week, making test 480. I had with second and may b forth jab some pip. No big deal, u get used to sensation. Having a leg day with one of pin days, after heavy ass squats never ever any pip what so ever. Clean, smooth, relaxed pin protocol, apply some massage after pin, good workout after. For personal exp. I feel glad to have experienced pip and to know what it feels like, but I was ready for it, read about it long before start, tips on doing legs on one of the days, massages, stressless pin protocol, -works for me.
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Lol...that pain is a good sign, shits legit. I always warm the oil up a bit and then a heat pad after and it seems to help for me.
Lol...that pain is a good sign, shits legit. I always warm the oil up a bit and then a heat pad after and it seems to help for me.

I do too, I have a little plastic bowl inside my kit box, where I pour a warm water before pin and hold my vial with alcohol wipe on while prepearing syringe and needles.
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