Hey all,
Im coming back from a broken patella (knee cap) I have some severe atrophy in my quads mainly, but reeally the entire leg. I have been coming backk and doing PT for about 4 weeks now, the break is fully healed. I was wondering what would be better to get size and strength back to recover from the atrophy, Ment (Trestolone) or NPP/Deca? More importantly why?
Im coming back from a broken patella (knee cap) I have some severe atrophy in my quads mainly, but reeally the entire leg. I have been coming backk and doing PT for about 4 weeks now, the break is fully healed. I was wondering what would be better to get size and strength back to recover from the atrophy, Ment (Trestolone) or NPP/Deca? More importantly why?