Ok guys I have finally got the results of my blood test the doctor called me and said that my test is low and liver function is also abnormal so I have to go back for further blood tests about the liver and have been reffered to an endocrinologist for further tests to see why I have low testosterone and what can be done about it but I have to wait 3 weeks for appointment you can see that the hospital even wrote on the test ‘steroid use?’ Because it is so low
I was kinda worried when I did the 1st home test so I also went and had a HIV test which came back negative and diabetes test as my father, fathers father and mothers father all have diabetes but that came back negative aswel so I was happy about that
I think that I have been dealing with low test for some time as long as I can remember I have been
The weakest of all my friends and gym partners make gains slower and lose gains quicker I have always had to try that little bit harder to make the same gains as others and keep up aerobically and am always sleepy in the day
I want to say thanks for not chiming in with lots of different reasons when I 1st asked about this problem as to what you guys thought could be reasons why my test is low as I was pretty worried and got quite down about it for a day or 2 but I am looking at this is part of my transformation into the person I want to be for the rest of my life and a man I can be proud of I am glad that I have discovered the problem and can do something about it
I refuse to let it get me down and am still training super hard fuk low test Im still doing my thing mind over matter.
I know Dylan said it would be hard to make gains with low test but I have seen significant increases in endurance, workout intensity, strength and recovery but I was not wanting to put on size just endurance and strength and am still making gains week on week I am on my 4th week now of the 12 week endurance/cutting stack
So my question is should I wait to see the endocrinologist or just self medicate and get some test now?
Also any advice, guidance and comments are welcome
Thanks guys