
LOW T, HIGH DHEA, Adrenal Problems? HELP!! Stressed BRO HERE!

So just to add something interesting to the post. I just hit a new PR in the gym just now. Now it's totally confusing with test that low. What other hormones are anabolic in the body other than DHT and Testosterone?
So just to add something interesting to the post. I just hit a new PR in the gym just now. Now it's totally confusing with test that low. What other hormones are anabolic in the body other than DHT and Testosterone?

Dude adding all of this up and this post about a PR tells me that your results got transposed or just a lab mistake. I doubt those results are yours.
Not a bad idea to do a retest just to make sure your last Labs were acurrate. At those levels your performance and muscle mass should be suffering. I know mine did when my levels were 122 before I went on trt. I felt like shit, and couldn't get motivated to do anything in the gym. Strength and mass plummeted big time as well

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
Dude adding all of this up and this post about a PR tells me that your results got transposed or just a lab mistake. I doubt those results are yours.

Not sure sex drive has been in the tank lately and my will to do anything is shit. However, I still haven't lost an ounce of gains. I am on liquid aro. Maybe y he igf1 is helping. I also take zinc, vitamin d, mucuna, and other pro test supplements. It's only been like this for the last 2-3 months I have really noticed. No more morning woodys.

Looks like it could be adrenal or pituitary issues. Something isn't signaling right.
Dude adding all of this up and this post about a PR tells me that your results got transposed or just a lab mistake. I doubt those results are yours.

Also to note; I have been losing hair like crazy and it's not dht because those numbers were low as fuck also.
Not a bad idea to do a retest just to make sure your last Labs were acurrate. At those levels your performance and muscle mass should be suffering. I know mine did when my levels were 122 before I went on trt. I felt like shit, and couldn't get motivated to do anything in the gym. Strength and mass plummeted big time as well

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)

Yea...I have an appointment tomorrow to get some new labs. I don't understand how I haven't lost any muscle at all.
Not a bad idea to do a retest just to make sure your last Labs were acurrate. At those levels your performance and muscle mass should be suffering. I know mine did when my levels were 122 before I went on trt. I felt like shit, and couldn't get motivated to do anything in the gym. Strength and mass plummeted big time as well

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)

How bad is TRT if I have to go that route? Is it liver toxic? Sexual Side? I'm very curious from a standpoint of someone using it, versus some lady who wrote a blog on it on the internet.

So guys I may not need TRT just yet. They have found that my Prolactin levels are excessively high, Above scale and my LH & FSH are extremely low. Suggesting I may have a prolactinoma or I have an infection in my glands. I do have a history of viral meningitis from 2 years ago. My total T raised to 116 from 97 since the last test and that's ONLY because I have done the most PRO T lifestyle change imaginable. TSH is actually at the high end of the scale so my thyroid seems fine.
So guys I may not need TRT just yet. They have found that my Prolactin levels are excessively high, Above scale and my LH & FSH are extremely low. Suggesting I may have a prolactinoma or I have an infection in my glands. I do have a history of viral meningitis from 2 years ago. My total T raised to 116 from 97 since the last test and that's ONLY because I have done the most PRO T lifestyle change imaginable. TSH is actually at the high end of the scale so my thyroid seems fine.

Prolactin issues are tough to handle. It may indicate a systemic infection or just something whacky with your system. Your T is very low still, and I doubt that it is from prolactin issues. You may have multiple things going on at once.
TRT does not hurt the liver at all, and gives you a great boost in sex and life in general. I would avoid and deca,npp,trens etc. If you need trt then use cyp only
Prolactin issues are tough to handle. It may indicate a systemic infection or just something whacky with your system. Your T is very low still, and I doubt that it is from prolactin issues. You may have multiple things going on at once.
TRT does not hurt the liver at all, and gives you a great boost in sex and life in general. I would avoid and deca,npp,trens etc. If you need trt then use cyp only

Thanks For the input Jake.. hard to say but no man should have prolactin over 10 and be healthy & lean, and yes I'm not ruling out trt.. it is highly possible that I still have that infection that lay dormant in my system.... I'm in metabolic crisis. I'm gaining weight on 1800 calories a day... something is severely wrong. I have to go ketogenic just to lose weight and that is not ideal. They suspect I may have a benign tumor on my pituitary gland and numbers suggest it. I'm getting a scan next week.
Thanks For the input Jake.. hard to say but no man should have prolactin over 10 and be healthy & lean, and yes I'm not ruling out trt.. it is highly possible that I still have that infection that lay dormant in my system.... I'm in metabolic crisis. I'm gaining weight on 1800 calories a day... something is severely wrong. I have to go ketogenic just to lose weight and that is not ideal. They suspect I may have a benign tumor on my pituitary gland and numbers suggest it. I'm getting a scan next week.

I was going to mention the pituitary, but didn't want to scare you. Why don't you try a lower carb diet rather than a keto. You can go into ketosis even at 40-60grams of carbs per day
I was going to mention the pituitary, but didn't want to scare you. Why don't you try a lower carb diet rather than a keto. You can go into ketosis even at 40-60grams of carbs per day

I tried Keto at about 25 carbs a day (50 if you include the fiber) it was cool but hard to do with family meals and social outings. Also, I usually intermittent fast daily and I have been doing that for a year now. I hear some lady on youtube claim that if you eat too much protein in one sitting it will pull me out of ketosis. If I had to chose, I rather fast and feast than to try to measure my protein over the course of 3 meals a day with the type of job I have. It would not be conducive to my schedule to go back to meal preps and etc. And being super anal about protein intake trying super hard to get more healthy fat in the diet. I try to stay around 2500 a day with a 40, 20, 40 ratio. Carbs, protein, fats. I have to have at least 100 grams of fat per day and I always want my carbs to outweigh protein 2 to 1. No one really needs more than .82 per pound of lean mass anyways. Most people can go as low as 1 gram per Kilogram of body weight which would put me around 85 grams total a day. However I like to keep my protein in the 110-130 range depending on training or non training days. I never had problems with weight until this low t issue snuck up on me in the last few months.
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