So I found out I'm on the low end of acceptable iron levels which explains my lack of energy for things beyond the gym... I will doze off on that ass in a minute during a game on TV and even this morning I woke up and dozed back off for a bit. This has been affecting my energy and even my appetite. I managed to fall off on meals because I was either sleeping or busy doing other stuff. I've managed to lose 9 pounds when I had the flu several weeks ago which I mostly attributed to my caloric deficit. In the past week or so I've dropped and additional six pounds. So 12 pounds total dropped since August which has me weighing in at a paltry 236 pounds. I'm going to supplement iron daily and start consuming and additional 900 calories a day. If I lose any more weight I might go ape shit. Any recommendations? Simple ones that won't make me some fat turd please and don't require hanging from the ceiling eating 10,000 cals a day please.