40yo, 6'2" 167#
Started weight lifting as age of 39 being skinny fat. So I missed on opportinity to gain muscle naturaly when I was young. Transformed natty from skinny fat to relatively fit, mascular and lean, not anywhere easthetic though.
Need some enhancement to move post this body composition plateau: I have all my fat is arround midsection, bulking just adds there first and dieting gets rid of hard gained muscle before it taps into that stubborn fat. Blame excessive soda consumption for over decade. No dedication or willpower issues.
I do not have s budget for SARMs from reliable sources at this point. So I consider AAS. Not affraid of needdles. I've been reading on AAS for almost two years and understand aromatization/AI, prolactin/progesterone sides, shutdown and all that. Have good grasp on PCT planning. All ancillary drugs are OTC in my country.
Looking for long slow dry muscle keepable gains cycle. Not willing to deal with any sorts of sides at this point. So no test at this time.
After researching AAS profiles I want to try 16 week EQ at 400-600 EW kick started with something like Tbol at 30 ED for 4-6 weeks.
NOT interested in getting big or bulk too quickly to be acquised of juicing. Just athletic/beach ready body.
Started weight lifting as age of 39 being skinny fat. So I missed on opportinity to gain muscle naturaly when I was young. Transformed natty from skinny fat to relatively fit, mascular and lean, not anywhere easthetic though.
Need some enhancement to move post this body composition plateau: I have all my fat is arround midsection, bulking just adds there first and dieting gets rid of hard gained muscle before it taps into that stubborn fat. Blame excessive soda consumption for over decade. No dedication or willpower issues.
I do not have s budget for SARMs from reliable sources at this point. So I consider AAS. Not affraid of needdles. I've been reading on AAS for almost two years and understand aromatization/AI, prolactin/progesterone sides, shutdown and all that. Have good grasp on PCT planning. All ancillary drugs are OTC in my country.
Looking for long slow dry muscle keepable gains cycle. Not willing to deal with any sorts of sides at this point. So no test at this time.
After researching AAS profiles I want to try 16 week EQ at 400-600 EW kick started with something like Tbol at 30 ED for 4-6 weeks.
NOT interested in getting big or bulk too quickly to be acquised of juicing. Just athletic/beach ready body.