
Looking for a 2 sarm PCT and bridge stack


New member
Been a lurker for years and appreciate all of your videos Dylan. First time posting so I wanted to do it right and give you full background on my question..

Due to a scheduled 2 week cruise in July, cycle start date is: 7/18/17.

First time running gear and first time trying the "Real " sarms, but I've been researching for 5 plus years.

Age: 28
Weight: 165
Height: 5'11
Began cut: 6-7% bf.

Frame: Skinny shoulders, tiny wrists, tiny ankles...aka grew up very skinny, but have packed on some muscle over the years.
Completed several natural physique shows in ANBF and NFF so I have developed the skills to manipulate my body with relative ease.

I have gotten close to my genetic potential as I have been working out for 8 years...

Blood work showed test at 400 ng/dl...always been naturally pretty low due to ecto genetics.

Here is my cycle along with my planned sarm pct and bridge:

Dosing for T Enthate: Mon/Thurs or Tues/Fri

Week 1 - T Enthate (350 mg), Aromisin (12.5 mg of EOD)
Week 2 - T Enthate (350 mg), Aromisin (12.5 mg of EOD)
Week 3 - T Enthate (350 mg), Aromisin (12.5 mg of EOD)
Week 4 - T Enthate (350 mg), Aromisin (12.5 mg of EOD)
Week 5 - T Enthate (350 mg), Aromisin (12.5 mg of EOD)
Week 6 - T Enthate (350 mg), Aromisin (12.5 mg of EOD)
Week 7 - T Enthate (350 mg), Aromisin (12.5 mg of EOD)
Week 8 - T Enthate (350 mg), Aromisin (12.5 mg of EOD)
Week 9 - T Enthate (350 mg), Aromisin (12.5 mg of EOD)
Week 10 - T Enthate (350 mg), Aromisin (12.5 mg of EOD)
Week 11 - T Enthate (350 mg), HCG (1,000 IUs - two 500 IU doses), Aromasin (12.5 mg of EOD)
Week 12 - T Enthate (350 mg), HCG (1,000 IUs - two 500 IU doses), Aromasin (12.5 mg of EOD). Cycle complete...

Pulling pin: 18" gauge
Shoot into back of 23" gauge for pinning into glute.

Week 13 - HCG (1,000 IUs - two 500 IU doses), Aromasin (12.5 mg of EOD), MK-2866 (ostarine 20mg), GW (cardarine 10mg)
Week 14 - HCG (1,000 IUs - two 500 IU doses),
Aromasin (12.5 mg of EOD), GW (cardarine 10mg)


Week 15 - Nolva (20mg), chlomid (50 mg), Aromasin (12.5 mg of EOD), MK-677 (20 mg ED), GW (cardarine 10mg)
Week 16 - Nolva (20mg), chlomid (50 mg), Aromasin (12.5 mg of EOD), MK-677 (20 mg ED), GW (cardarine 10mg)
Week 17 - Nolva (20mg), chlomid (50 mg), Aromasin (12.5 mg of EOD), MK-677 (20 mg ED), GW (cardarine 10mg),
Week 18 - Nolva (20mg), Aromasin (12.5 mg of EOD) MK-677 (20 mg ED), GW (cardarine 10mg),

End PCT.

Bridge (Next 12 weeks):

- looking for 2 sarms (or secratatgague) to stack together for 12 weeks (with proper dosing and limited suppression)

Mini 2 week PCT:
- week 1: 100 mg chlomid/20 mg nolva
- week 2: 100 mg chlomid/20 mg nolva

Get bloods and begin cycle 2

Looking for any and all feedback with the sarms I have listed...ostarine may not be good to run post cycle and prior to PCT for 2 weeks. What are your thoughts?

Here is my current physique prior to beginning this journey (apologies pic is upside down)

Edit to add goals: want to put on about 15 lbs. with cycle and keep at least 8-9 lbs. post cycle, bridge and into next cycle. Thanks in advance.
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everything you wrote looks spot on aside from your min pct... 100 mg of clomid is ABSURD brother... you also dont need both clomid and nolva... all i need to know is what your goals are from the bridge and i can give you the perfect stack for your goals... your physique looks great brother... you have gone about this the right way and i find that very very respectable man..
Thank Dylan. Been a long time coming, so my goal for the bridge is honestly to just maintain as much muscle as possible post cycle and into the next cycle. I am looking for 2 sarms for this 12 week bridge.

2 side questions:
1. Do you recommend I do Mk-2866 and gw for the 2 week Esther clear I have above in between my cycle and PCT?
2. Nolvadex at 40 mg gives me terrible, debilitating headaches so just thinking of having my mini pct include 50 ng of chlomid, thoughts?

Look forward to your reccomendaton on all fronts.
Thank Dylan. Been a long time coming, so my goal for the bridge is honestly to just maintain as much muscle as possible post cycle and into the next cycle. I am looking for 2 sarms for this 12 week bridge.

2 side questions:
1. Do you recommend I do Mk-2866 and gw for the 2 week Esther clear I have above in between my cycle and PCT?
2. Nolvadex at 40 mg gives me terrible, debilitating headaches so just thinking of having my mini pct include 50 ng of chlomid, thoughts?

Look forward to your reccomendaton on all fronts.

1. yes, definitely...

2. your mini pct would not include nolva anyway...

for your bridge, here are the links to purchase everything you need followed by the layout.. .

1-12 lgd-4033 10 mg per day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-12 S4 50 mg day... split doses... 25 mg in the a.m. and 25 mg in the p.m.
9-12 tongkat ali

Mini pct 13-16

clomid 50/25/25/25
gw-501516 20 mg day
This is what I decided to go with (Cardarine and S-4 due to budget)

Screen Shot 2017-07-02 at 5.28.03 PM.jpg

Man oh man, that's quite a hefty investment...

Though I am still very interested
UPDATE & AN URGENT QUESTION (8 weeks into cycle mentioned above and have all of my Sarms the way to use during my PCT and bridge):

So, the cycle has gone really well for me so far, as I have gained some good size while keeping my eating very clean.

One issue, I missed 1 day of my aromasin last week due to not being able to get back to my home town because of Hurricane harvey and because I am peaking out right now on week 8 with test levels and therefore estrogen levels...I noticed that my nipples are becoming slightly puffy, not itchy, not sore, just moderately puffy. So I'm taking aromasin at 12.5 mg everyday and have been for 4 days now and I know it's reducing estrogen because most of my bloat is gone and my face is super dry (typically oily). I have a much more dry look. I got gyno when I hit puberty at 15, so I know I am super susceptible and am just a little paranoid with any signs at all. I have aromasin and arimedex on hand and just purchased letrozole just in case nothing else works. My question is: Should I bump up to 25 mg of aromasin ED or should I look into going more extreme with letrozole (I know that will kill the estrogen entirely and will knock down all libido, which should be a last resort). I know I will get comments about we don't know without blood work...blood was taken on Saturday and just waiting anxiously for the results. Obviously, this is estrogen buildup, not prolactin given that I am only taking 500 mg of test. If you were in my shoes, what would you do for peace of mind while you wait on the bloods? Move to 25 mg ed of aromasin. Trying to get out in front of this thing.

Here is 5 days ago with descent bloat right before puffy nips started to show up and now that bloat has now disappeared entirely since using aromasin at 12.5 mg everyday for 4 days.


Other than the puffy nips, it has been a fun ride and all thanks to you Dylan, I have done everything up to par and in order - Now it's time to get rid of this puffiness and make my way into the last bit of the cycle and see what kind of gains I keep post cycle and even retain using Sarms.

Thanks in advance.
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