Hey Dylan I am one of your biggest fans I have seen like 90% of your YouTube vids and they are my favorite. That being said this is probably going to make you mad at me because I went against your advice and ran 2 lgd4033 cycles. ( I’m 18 years old now 6ft 175 13%bf and I’ve been in the weight room since I was 13) . The first cycle I ran last September and then I did a pct and ran another one more lgd cycle at 10 mgs. And then did a pct. I gained 15 pounds my first cycle and I could bench 225 for a solid set of 10 reps. Flash forward to now and I am totally natural at the moment and i have been having very bad prolactin issues. I have lactation of the nipples however I am still sexually functional. My doctor had me do blood work and my prolactin was a 31. I’m pretty sure average is 18. Also my total testosterone level was at 347........I have all the side effects of low t. My stepdad takes trt and he gives himself shots at the house. And I know I have a doctor that will prescribe me it and my stepdad would help me out if needed. Do you think trt is a acceptable choice for me I have tried other things and they haven’t helped.