
LOG-wife just started gw/s4 stack (Jan25-complete)

awesome, i cant wait to see these results!! i would definitely go with mk2866 here... women respond EXTREMELY well to mk bro... have her go 12.5 mg the first two weeks and then bump to 25 mg the rest of the way... im always here to help and support so let me know anytime you have questions!

Thanks brother! That's why we love isarms! Definitely keep you guys posted on her progress. We have taken everyone's input into consideration, and have agreed that adjusting her macros to 50p,30fat,20c and staying with the current stack for the 12 weeks will be a good starting point. And once we get into the later half of the cycle, decide if add mk or sr depending on where she feels her progress has lead her too! Thank you guys for the prompt feedback!

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Thanks brother! That's why we love isarms! Definitely keep you guys posted on her progress. We have taken everyone's input into consideration, and have agreed that adjusting her macros to 50p,30fat,20c and staying with the current stack for the 12 weeks will be a good starting point. And once we get into the later half of the cycle, decide if add mk or sr depending on where she feels her progress has lead her too! Thank you guys for the prompt feedback!

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for sure brother, im always here if you need me...
So here are her first pics to start her log

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She has a great base to work with, and is in pretty good condition. I think she will do well with this stack and it will really help her make a great transformation. I'm certainly interested in hearing how it all goes for her!
She has a great base to work with, and is in pretty good condition. I think she will do well with this stack and it will really help her make a great transformation. I'm certainly interested in hearing how it all goes for her!

ThIs log will definitely be updated weekly. She's worked very hard so far, a year and a half, and only 2 months after giving birth to our youngest. I can tell you guys she's determined and passionate!

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She has a very great starting point!!!! She's going to do aesome on here I'm excited for her!

She appreciates the words of encouragement. Hearing from you guys that she has a solid starting point really motivates her, she didn't believe me when I said it because she says I see her everyday lol

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I'm with you on that Dylan! I can't wait to start my cycles. I will be gone for the month of February work related, but when I get back it's balls to the wall

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The two of you will feed off each other and CRUSH IT!!!! My wife is just getting back in the game and its gonna be RIDICULOUS!!!

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The two of you will feed off each other and CRUSH IT!!!! My wife is just getting back in the game and its gonna be RIDICULOUS!!!

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Heck yea bro, I definitely feed off her, specially when she goes in week after week and increases the weight on her workouts, and crushes it, the strength increase is noticeable. I'm just like "ok, I see you!" Lol

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Just what we need wifey pics in bikinis... hell to the yeah!!! Just kidding bro she'll love the cycle. Good luck guys.

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I know it's been a while, I was out of state for work for most of my wife's sarm cycle, but came back to some solid gains.
She is very happy with how lean she is getting.
She broke PRs in the top 5,
Deadlift, flat barbell bench press, squats, barbell military press and leg press.
She will be at 8 weeks on march 29 and will continue her stack until 12 weeks.

Most important thing for those looking into getting into sarms for the first time, is set realistic goals. For where my wife started, and where she is now, great improvement in vascularity, strength, and stamina. Some side effects, she hardly had that "time of the month" while on sarms which she says is a plus, irritability only occurred around week 3-4 but was rare, her nipples have been itchy constantly lol, sweated profusely at the gym and last but not least felt that the sarms took effect at week 2, at which she noticed that soreness was close to none, and she thought it was due to not pushing herself hard enough, but then also noticed that she was hitting muscle failure. I told her it's mostly likely due to the cardarine since that sarm promotes endurance

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She's done excellent work. You can tell she lost inches in the waste for sure.

Yea bro she did
And the pictures don't do justice
She's got more def on her back and on her arms.

She's wanting to get into shows

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