
LOG-wife just started gw/s4 stack (Jan25-complete)

So with research and following Dylan's recommendations and watching his videos as well as many of the logs on here and other veteran forum members, wife decided to start 12 week sarm cycle of GW and S4.

Stats on Wednesday the 25:
Weight: 125 lbs
Height: 5'5
Bf:22% (approx)

She has been hitting the gym for a year and a half consistently with me as her trainer/workout partner, I have developed a workout plan for her that fits her goals but usually hits the same muscle group as me on the same days and is currently following a solid diet. She isn't picky no diet so if you have any other suggestions, would be greatly appreciated.

Meal 1: 2whole eggs, 2egg whites, 1/2 cup oatmeal, fish oil, multi vitamin
Meal2: 1scoop whey, banana
Meal3: 6 oz chicken, 1cup brown rice
Meal4: 6oz salmon, 1 cup mixed veggies
Meal5: 1scoop whey, rice cake w/ peanut butter

So far on the sarms she has expressed soreness is close to none which makes her think she isn't pushing herself, increased strength, bloated feeling that she's had most of the year prior to starting has disappeared, she "knocks the fuck out at night" lol, energy feels about the same, sex drive spike and a bit of irritability( considering we have 2 under 5 yr old kids)

Last but not least, she has shared interest in adding either sr9009 or mk2866 in week 4.

What would you guys suggest she adds? And why?
We can't afford both or we would lol
Start off pics and progress pics coming soon!

Thanks in advance fam!

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I am in for this!!! Depends on her goals. Sr9009 is great for increased endurance, speeding up metabolism and fat loss. Mk2866 great for muscle gain, healing and fat loss.
For me I love gw and sr9009 and try to incorporate those 2 always regardless. However I like mk for the healing properties.
Her meals look pretty good. But what is she at for calorie intake and macros?
I forgot to post her goals

Drop to 15-20% bf
Stay around 130 lbs but put on a bit of muscle while cutting the fat

With the info you provided, she's leaning towards mk

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I forgot to post her goals

Drop to 15-20% bf
Stay around 130 lbs but put on a bit of muscle while cutting the fat

With the info you provided, she's leaning towards mk

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Good choice.
Her dosing for it would be for the first 2 weeks...12.5 MG
Weeks 3-12 bump up to full dose of 25 mg.
As for calorie intake 1500
Macros: 166 grams protein, 166 grams carbs, 32 grams fat
Roughly, 40,40,20%

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She can keep going with this however if she isn't dropping the far she would like I'd suggest dropping carbs down and bump fats up a little
Maybe 50p/30f/20c or 40p/30c/30/f
I forgot to post her goals

Drop to 15-20% bf
Stay around 130 lbs but put on a bit of muscle while cutting the fat

With the info you provided, she's leaning towards mk

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I really think adding MK-2866 makes the most sense in this scenario. That gives her the triple stack which is a very popular and effective stack for females. I think that will treat her well for her goals. Here is how that would layout

1-12 S4 50 mg day... split doses... 25 mg in the a.m. and 25 mg in the p.m.
1-12 GW-510516 (CARDARINE) 20 mg day… dosed all at once 30 minutes before workout…
1-12 mk-2866 12.5mg per day the first two weeks, then 25 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.

I will defnitely be following her progress! I'm excited to see how this treats her!
Awesome! Thanks
As for gw she's dosing 20 mg 30 min prior to exercise, non lift days in the AM,
s4 25 mg with breakfast, 25 mg 4-6 later like we've seen on other logs for females or generic

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I really think adding MK-2866 makes the most sense in this scenario. That gives her the triple stack which is a very popular and effective stack for females. I think that will treat her well for her goals. Here is how that would layout

1-12 S4 50 mg day... split doses... 25 mg in the a.m. and 25 mg in the p.m.
1-12 GW-510516 (CARDARINE) 20 mg day… dosed all at once 30 minutes before workout…
1-12 mk-2866 12.5mg per day the first two weeks, then 25 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.

I will defnitely be following her progress! I'm excited to see how this treats her!

Rick rock we are definitely excited for her stack, she's been working hard, we had our son 20 months ago, and as soon as they cleared her she was back in on the weights. Appreciate all the advice, progress pics to follow, and as soon as I come back from my 1 month trip, I will also start my s4,lgd, rad stack!

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Great to she joining as well?

I'm gonna get her all set up tonight so she joins in on the forum. She tried to use it once and was completely lost on how to use it but tonight I'm gonna take the time to run her through it, she loves what you guys are doing here to educate others

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I'm gonna get her all set up tonight so she joins in on the forum. She tried to use it once and was completely lost on how to use it but tonight I'm gonna take the time to run her through it, she loves what you guys are doing here to educate others

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Awesome. Have her use tapatalk it's easier in my opinion. Once she starts posting etc she will get the hang of it.
50/30/20 and running what she already is for her first run is probably enough. U could add osterine or SR but its gonna jack the cost quite a bit. I say run what she has now and make sure she stays on point training/diet wise for 12 weeks then maybe an sr/osta run after that. Great job man and tell her to join up!

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50/30/20 and running what she already is for her first run is probably enough. U could add osterine or SR but its gonna jack the cost quite a bit. I say run what she has now and make sure she stays on point training/diet wise for 12 weeks then maybe an sr/osta run after that. Great job man and tell her to join up!

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Sounds good man, she will stay where she's at now and see what the diet adjustment does for her. It's Week 1, It's too early to tell if she even needs to add another sarm, maybe she will be pleased with the results off of just these 2. Main reason we were considering a 3rd sarm is because many on here have stated that the sarms feed off each other so stacking is effective

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Sounds good man, she will stay where she's at now and see what the diet adjustment does for her. It's Week 1, It's too early to tell if she even needs to add another sarm, maybe she will be pleased with the results off of just these 2. Main reason we were considering a 3rd sarm is because many on here have stated that the sarms feed off each other so stacking is effective

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Stacking is really REALLY effective but im a less is more guy. I start with one. Next cycle ill run 2. Third Ill run 3 type of thing. They are all synergistic but I like seeing what one does alone usually especially for a virgin run. Start small and work in to it. You can always add more in later cycles. There are wayyyy more knowledgeable dudes on here though thats my 2 cents. Youd love the results of an S-4, GW, SR run for her on her next run after she has leaned out a bit and gotten her diet locked in.

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awesome, i cant wait to see these results!! i would definitely go with mk2866 here... women respond EXTREMELY well to mk bro... have her go 12.5 mg the first two weeks and then bump to 25 mg the rest of the way... im always here to help and support so let me know anytime you have questions!
Stacking is really REALLY effective but im a less is more guy. I start with one. Next cycle ill run 2. Third Ill run 3 type of thing. They are all synergistic but I like seeing what one does alone usually especially for a virgin run. Start small and work in to it. You can always add more in later cycles. There are wayyyy more knowledgeable dudes on here though thats my 2 cents. Youd love the results of an S-4, GW, SR run for her on her next run after she has leaned out a bit and gotten her diet locked in.

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Your 2 cents are very much appreciated, she's gonna run gw and s-4 for these 12, take 4 off and then next cycle we will see what to add. I think her and I are looking too much into the future right now, definitely keep you guys updated on progress, and between week 8-10 make a decision. Thanks bro!

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