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LOG: PCT Sarm Stack & Sarm Bridge Stack (Post First Cycle)


New member
Just wrapping up my first cycle as I'm currently on week 9 of 12 using test E 300 at 500 mg per week and I have been logging every detail on another forum, but wanted to log my experience here with sarmsx using it post cycle and into a bridge.

A before and after of 9 weeks:


Here is my bloodwork from week 8:


And without further ado, Here is what my PCT looks like:

Here is what my PCT will look like starting the transition in Week 11:

Week 11: Test E (500mg), HCG (1,000 IUs - two 500 IU doses), Aromasin (12.5 mg of EOD)
Week 12 LAST WEEK: Test E (500mg), HCG (1,000 IUs - two 500 IU doses), Aromasin (12.5 mg of EOD)

Ester clearing period…
Week 13: HCG (1,000 IUs - two 500 IU doses), Aromasin (12.5 mg EOD), GW-501516
-cardarine (10 mg ED), MK-2866-Ostarine (20 mg ED)
Week 14: HCG (1,000 IUs - two 500 IU doses), Aromasin (12.5 mg EOD), GW-501516
-cardarine (10 mg ED), MK-2866-Ostarine (20 mg ED)

Begin PCT…
Week 15: Nolva (20mg), Clomid (50mg), Aromasin (12.5 mg EOD), GW-501516
-cardarine (10 mg ED), Tongkat Ali (800 mg ED)
Week 16: Nolva (20mg), Clomid (50mg), Aromasin (12.5 mg EOD), GW-501516
-cardarine (10 mg ED), Tongkat Ali (800 mg ED)
Week 17: Nolva (20mg), Clomid (50mg), Aromasin (12.5 mg EOD), GW-501516
-cardarine (10 mg ED), Tongkat Ali (800 mg ED)
Week 18: Nolva (20mg), Aromasin (12.5 mg EOD), GW-501516
-cardarine (10 mg ED), Tongkat Ali (800 mg ED)

Bridge to next cycle:
Week 1-12: S-4-Andarine (25 mg in am, 25 mg in pm ED)
Week 1-12: GW-501516-cardarine (10 mg ED)
Week 4-12: MK-2866-Ostarine (20 mg ED)
Week 9-12: Tongkat Ali (800 mg ED)

Mini PCT (4 weeks)
Week 13 - Clomid (50 mg), GW-501516
-cardarine (10 mg ED)
Week 14 - Clomid (25 mg), GW-501516
-cardarine (10 mg ED)
Week 15 - Clomid (25 mg), GW-501516
-cardarine (10 mg ED)
Week 16 - Clomid (25 mg), GW-501516
-cardarine (10 mg ED)

Next cycle BEGIN! ☺

Let me know what you think! Spent a lot of time in case you couldn't tell...

Purchased all sarms today!

I will be logging the from week 11 on in this thread with a detailed break-down of everything :)
looks perfect bro... do you have ANY clue how nice and refreshing it is for me to read this??? You couldn't! THANK YOU for listening, learning and putting this together beautifully... I cant wait to see your results!
looks perfect bro... do you have ANY clue how nice and refreshing it is for me to read this??? You couldn't! THANK YOU for listening, learning and putting this together beautifully... I cant wait to see your results!

Really appreciate that. Invested many hours into understanding EVERYTHING required and it's great to get this feedback. Excited for the ride and looking to get enough out of this sarm stack to influence myself into incorporating into the next cycle. Thanks for your support and all that you so.
Really appreciate that. Invested many hours into understanding EVERYTHING required and it's great to get this feedback. Excited for the ride and looking to get enough out of this sarm stack to influence myself into incorporating into the next cycle. Thanks for your support and all that you so.
absolutely brother and i'll be here anytime you need help and/or support
Looks perfct bro. Laid out very nice and detailed and you've also done your homework. Well done! It's also nice to see someone running a first cycle that has a good solid base and foundation with good conditioning. You have my utmost respect for doing things the right way, and I hope all the new guys take a look out there and see this post in the way things should be done! Very nice brother, and thank you for this
This is amazing information.

I want to do exactly this, how many bottles of Sarms I need to buy to get this PCT cycle after my test cycle and bridge + mini PCT after bridge.

Right now I am doing 500 mg Test E and 600 mg Primobolan as my first cycle.
Looks perfct bro. Laid out very nice and detailed and you've also done your homework. Well done! It's also nice to see someone running a first cycle that has a good solid base and foundation with good conditioning. You have my utmost respect for doing things the right way, and I hope all the new guys take a look out there and see this post in the way things should be done! Very nice brother, and thank you for this

Much appreciated Rick. Filled out the hold form yesterday to release my funds to Sarmsx so hoping that goes through asap so it will be on my doorstep just in time to start my Pct.
This is amazing information.

I want to do exactly this, how many bottles of Sarms I need to buy to get this PCT cycle after my test cycle and bridge + mini PCT after bridge.

Right now I am doing 500 mg Test E and 600 mg Primobolan as my first cycle.

A lot of calculations went into this, but this is the best way to do it bang for you buck wise:

1 bottle of osta
3 bottles of S-4 (3-pack)
5 bottles of GW (5-pack)

My transaction is still pending due to a forced bank verification, but hoping i get it within the next 2 weeks as my Esther's will begin clearing in Exactly 20 days!
This is amazing information.

I want to do exactly this, how many bottles of Sarms I need to buy to get this PCT cycle after my test cycle and bridge + mini PCT after bridge.

Right now I am doing 500 mg Test E and 600 mg Primobolan as my first cycle.
if you run mk2866 12 weeks, as opposed to 8, then you would need 2 bottles of mk2866...
if you run mk2866 12 weeks, as opposed to 8, then you would need 2 bottles of mk2866...

Dylan, once I sent over the proper documentation to sarmsx to remove the hold and confirm my identity with the bank, how long does it take for them to confirm and ship out the purchase. Seems to be taking a little while. Curious if you knew since you said this was common.
Dylan, once I sent over the proper documentation to sarmsx to remove the hold and confirm my identity with the bank, how long does it take for them to confirm and ship out the purchase. Seems to be taking a little while. Curious if you knew since you said this was common.
pm me and i will help you...
A little update. Completed the first week of 4, 1,000 IUs of HCG per week. Quite the difference from my normal inner muscular injections of test 300. So smooth and simple. I did not weigh myself, but I'm in week 11 of 12 now and I've put on some great size.

So, after next week, I will begin my stack as I let the Esther's clear and head into PCT. (See original post for what kinds, when and dosages). I would say all in all very happy with this 12 week run. Learned a lot about my body and very glad I followed the basic 500 mg a week regiment to see how it affected my body and physiology specifically. Slowly added calories throughout and gained some good size. Started at 1900 cals coming off of a strong cut and made my way to 3200 cals a day to really take advantage - went from 160 to 185 with quite a bit of muscle gain. I am very happy with my bloods so far as well as I have been very adamant about my ancillaries, learned the timing for me. Honestly guys, I researched everywhere for 2 plus years for this cycle and the most sound advice backed by science is all in Dylan's videos. I have my masters in physiology and neuroscience, used to be a trainer myself, wrote an amazon best selling book a year ago on fitness and even did online coaching for 4 years (before I sold the business) so you can say that I have studied a thing or two on how hormones affect neurotransmitters and the role they play and once manipulated, what really goes on in the body. That combined with Dylan's videos gave me the confidence to dive in with as much certainty as I could have. And for that, I am grateful.

I will be starting to update here every couple days throughout PCT and I to my bridge.
Week 12 of 12 (final injection this Friday):

Been a great run and about to becoming to an end. I started taking 1,000 IUs a week of HCG starting last week and will continue this week and the 2 weeks after my last injection for the Esther's to clear and then right into PCT.

I've put some good size on though I know quite a bit is from water. Started taking aromasin 12.5 mg e3d and that seems to be the sweet spot. I notice that my nipples begin to get a bit puffy on day 3, but then subside when the aromasin kicks in but i definitely feel the best with this dosage. The last two weeks, i have noticed a real big increase in aggression, in and out of the gym. Meditation has been king and just being aware of my tendencies helps so nothing external just using this as a challenge to better myself internally. I've noticed that stress manifests more on gear and affects my sleep and I have never had problems with sleep. Once I realized this, I made a conscious effort to scale back my stress and I've noticed a huge increase in sleep and I feel amazing. Now the real battle approaches as I get my bad boys back up and running naturally over the next 6 weeks. Going to try to keep my cals up and keep up my aggression through Pct as much as possible.
Day 1 of sarms:

So yesterday was my last injection and now over the next two weeks, while my esters clear, I will be throwing in 10 mg of cardarine, 20 mg of ostarine...

Today, I took my first dose and I don't know if it's due to the increased sleep I got last night, or if it was the sarms I took today, but I was in the best mood I've been during this cycle yet. I had amazing energy all day. I typically found that through this cycle of test e 500 mg a week, at night I would get a little on edge and would feel a bit tired. But today? I just felt really, really refreshed and my overall sense of well being was at an all time high. I was even singing in the car with my wife, which has not happened over the past 12 weeks when on cycle. Not sure if the sarms played into this, but if it did, this excites me. I even got hit by another car (small fender bender) in the parking lot before dinner and it hardly even phased me, which based on the last couple of weeks, this is very different. I did not feel any sense of immediate reaction but more like my normal self (w/ out gear), was just relaxed and said, "hey man, it happens" - I was very pleased with myself to be frank.

Just wanted to share and will obviously let you know over the next few weeks of this is in fact placebo. Excited to have a little help using these sarms as I get into PCT because quite frankly, I have been dreading it but have mentally prepared myself.

Curious if anybody else has had any signs of elevated well being almost immediately with sarmsx cardarine or ostarine or even stacked...
very nice brother! great update and thoroughly looking forward to your results!

Quick question for you Dylan, so I have been reading up on PCT and sarms and right now I am entering into the Esther clearing phase, and I am thinking I want to change a bit of my previously stated protocol and wanted to get your input.

Here's what I'm thinking.

On day 1 of Esther clear, aka today, I am taking ostarine (20mg a day), and cardarine (10 mg a day) and have planned to do so for the next two weeks. (14 day Esther clear with test e)

HOWEVER, I would like to go ahead and continue using ostarine (20 mg ed) through pct, aka 2 weeks (Esther clearing) + 4 weeks Pct for a total of 6 weeks. I keep reading how effective it is to include ostarine during PCT and although running ostarine for 6 weeks straight may lead to minor shutdown (many say don't go over 4), won't the nolva and chlomid during PCT cancel any potential shut down out caused by 6 weeks running ostarine?

Updated protocol with ostarine included Now for 2 week esther AND 4 week PCT:

Ester clearing period…
Week 13: HCG (1,000 IUs - two 500 IU doses), Aromasin (12.5 mg EOD), GW-501516-cardarine (10 mg ED), MK-2866-Ostarine (20 mg ED)

Week 14: HCG (1,000 IUs - two 500 IU doses), Aromasin (12.5 mg EOD), GW-501516-cardarine (10 mg ED), MK-2866-Ostarine (20 mg ED)

Begin PCT…
Week 15: Nolva (20mg), Clomid (50mg), Aromasin (12.5 mg EOD), MK-2866-Ostarine (20 mg ED), GW-501516-cardarine (10 mg ED), Tongkat Ali (800 mg ED)

Week 16: Nolva (20mg), Clomid (50mg), Aromasin (12.5 mg EOD), MK-2866-Ostarine (20 mg ED), GW-501516-cardarine (10 mg ED), Tongkat Ali (800 mg ED)

Week 17: Nolva (20mg), Clomid (50mg), Aromasin (12.5 mg EOD), MK-2866-Ostarine (20 mg ED), GW-501516-cardarine (10 mg ED), Tongkat Ali (800 mg ED)

Week 18: Nolva (20mg), Aromasin (12.5 mg EOD), MK-2866-Ostarine (20 mg ED), GW-501516-cardarine (10 mg ED), Tongkat Ali (800 mg ED)

Would love to get your input. Plus if this is the case, I will be grabbing another bottle of ostarine from you for my bridge :)
you can do this yes... you will be fine with the extra 2 weeks considering you are running a strong pct...
Last day of ester clear update...PCT protocol begins Saturday

Tomorrow is my last day, day 14, the test should be completely out of my body and I feel that it is close to gone right now.

The aggressiveness in the gym feels more forced for sure, and I'm not near as full. I lost all of the water already and didn't realize I was this lean lol.

In fact, my lower abs are there now bc the water is gone, but I have to say, I already miss that constantly pumped feeling. I am definitely beginning to feel depleted and I feel like I'm losing bf like crazy even though I am eating more than when I was fully on! Cardarine may have something to do with this.

By the way, I decided to drop the ostarine for peace of mind until after my PCT, so continuing to take cardarine 10 mg a day. Seems no matter how much I eat, my body will not put on fat, never experienced that before, not even on his past cycle.

Sleep has been great until last night. I laid in bed for 6 body was not letting me go to sleep and I think it's due to the change in hormones. I am also getting a few zits which up until this point, my skin on cycle has been more clear than ever. I knew the zits were coming, right on schedule I suppose.

I've had very low t before while I was cutting and I feel very similar now as my body reacts very very quickly to changes in hormones and I feel it almost immediately. I also have noticed that the puffiness around the nipples is completely gone. Going to increase my food even more though the hunger isn't as strong, and going to continue with the intensity and heavier weights in the gym. Got to keep that strength up. I have some progress pics but just imagine, the same muscle, less water and much leaner. Veins during the gym are there but I can tell they are not as prevalent and it takes me a while to get a pump again, just like when I was natural. All things I expected...though makes me want to reboot my boys, freeze my sperm and just blast and cruise :)
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