Hey guys,
would like to ask a question.
6 days ago i started a cycle with dbol, test enanthate and deca. My plan was to do:
- 40mg dbol ED (4 weeks)
- 250mg test every 5 days (14 weeks)
- 250mg deca every 5 days (14 weeks)
- 12,5mg aromasin EOD
And after two-week break PCT for 6 weeks.
I am 35, 85 kg, 177cm with 12% bf. My goal was to bulk up and increase my strength.
Unfortunately as of today all gyms closed due to the local lockdown (covid) and I was thinking to stop the cycle and start again in month or two once the gyms are open for good and I can fully enjoy the cycle. Meanwhile I would work out at home, clean eat and decrease the bf and work out on the abs.
As of now I took
- 220 mg of dbol (40mg x 5 + 20mg x 1)
- 500mg test (in 2 pins)
- 500mg deca (in 2 pins)
What would you recommend as PCT after one week of cycle? I have Aromasin, Nolvadex and Clomid?
When would you recommend to get blood checked? I suppose in 6 weeks or so as my last pin was two days ago??
When would you recommend to start the cycle again?
Thank you very much for your opinion, comments and experiences.
would like to ask a question.
6 days ago i started a cycle with dbol, test enanthate and deca. My plan was to do:
- 40mg dbol ED (4 weeks)
- 250mg test every 5 days (14 weeks)
- 250mg deca every 5 days (14 weeks)
- 12,5mg aromasin EOD
And after two-week break PCT for 6 weeks.
I am 35, 85 kg, 177cm with 12% bf. My goal was to bulk up and increase my strength.
Unfortunately as of today all gyms closed due to the local lockdown (covid) and I was thinking to stop the cycle and start again in month or two once the gyms are open for good and I can fully enjoy the cycle. Meanwhile I would work out at home, clean eat and decrease the bf and work out on the abs.
As of now I took
- 220 mg of dbol (40mg x 5 + 20mg x 1)
- 500mg test (in 2 pins)
- 500mg deca (in 2 pins)
What would you recommend as PCT after one week of cycle? I have Aromasin, Nolvadex and Clomid?
When would you recommend to get blood checked? I suppose in 6 weeks or so as my last pin was two days ago??
When would you recommend to start the cycle again?
Thank you very much for your opinion, comments and experiences.