
Little to no motivation, 0 sex drive during PCT need some help!


New member
Hi there guys,

I'm currently in third week of PCT.

I ran Test e 11 weeks at 350mg, I waited 10 days and then began to run Nolvadex 40/20/10/10. I'm currently in my third week of PCT and I've lost most motivation for life, I've stopped enjoying my hobbies and my sex drive is practically non existant. I know my PCT isn't optimal because I'm missing a few things.

Is there anything i can and should be doing during this time, maybe get my hands on some clomid and aromasin?

I didn't get bloodwork done before my cycle (stupid I know)

For reference I am 22 years of age.

Any help during this time would be much appreciated, thanks guys!
Bump your Nolva back up to 20 mgs, at this point not much else you can do until your the ester chain wears off from Test E and everything starts kicking back in. You're also hell of young so with any luck that will be in your favor.

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1> too young for a cycle, major bad plan bro. Stand in front of a mirror and repeat after me. I am stupid, I dont care about my still developing endocrine system, and then bitch slap yourself, because your future self may suffer.

2> Incomplete PCT (gw/clomid/ostarine/tongkat ali)
yeah bro I know I am too young to be cycling and i am kicking myself silly for being so damn stupid and impatient! But i do appreciate the brutal honesty

However all I can do at this point is look forward and do my best to make positive changes from this point onwards.

Would you recommend getting some of the compounds you just mentioned?
Way too young and shit pct as the guys pointed out. Did you run an AI with the cycle?

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i had arimidex on hand but wasn't getting many sides (external sides atleast). However i did get extremely anxious on cycle and thought it was probably due to high estrogen so i began to take it towards the end. I still have arimidex on hand.

Yeah man well aware it was a reckless cycle but just trying to stay positive and push forward!
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Pct is very incomplete. I hope you learned a lesson from this bud cycling at your age. It's not to be taken lightly

Here is what you need for pct asap which you can get from

Clomid 50/50/25/25
Nolva 40/20/20/20
Aromasin 12.5mg EOD
Mk2866 25mg per day dosed in the am
GW 20mg per day
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