
Liquid vs capsules sarms


New member
So hey I was just wondering is there's any difference between capsules and liquid sarms ? Is one better that the other or they both work just as well?
This is just from my experience, and from what I've heard/read. Usually if you are buying capsulated SARMs, they are from a company that also sells pro hormones (usually); so the SARM could be laced with a pro hormone..

I had a case where I bought ostarine (from Blackstone labs), and I only did a cycle for 4 weeks. At the end of my cycle my elbows were all sorts of fucked up! They were absolutely screaming!! So I looked around, and I got told that it was most likely laced with a pro hormone (again can't say for sure if it was or not though). Also, I have never bought liquid SARMS, or from SARMSx yet. So nothing I can say much about.

Everything you buy online that is of this sort, is a hit or miss my friend.
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So hey I was just wondering is there's any difference between capsules and liquid sarms ? Is one better that the other or they both work just as well?
There's a very big difference. Sarms cannot be sold as dietary supplements or for human consumption, so if they are sold in capsule form not only are they breaking the's usually sketchy companies that don't have sarms in there at all, and they are prohormones

The only source I would trust is
There's a very big difference. Sarms cannot be sold as dietary supplements or for human consumption, so if they are sold in capsule form not only are they breaking the's usually sketchy companies that don't have sarms in there at all, and they are prohormones

The only source I would trust is

That's what I thought. Cause I was told SARMS didn't cause joint pain, but I also remember reading that prohormones could have that effect. So since then, I've always been skeptical on buying SARMs.
No problem man! But for an extra sense of security, since I had gone through that mess of a situation... I'll be buying from SARMSx, even though (like I said) I am very skeptical about buying anything other than whey protein, creatine, and beta-alanine lol.
capsule sarms are often either filled with prohormones or other additives than DO NOT give you the sarms experience you should have... you are not actually running a sarm, whether it is spiked or faked.. .that is NOT a real sarm... has the highest quality you can find and i stand by that a million percent...
capsule sarms are often either filled with prohormones or other additives than DO NOT give you the sarms experience you should have... you are not actually running a sarm, whether it is spiked or faked.. .that is NOT a real sarm... has the highest quality you can find and i stand by that a million percent...

Exactly why I will NEVER buy encapsulated SARMS EVER again! First experience gave me good gains though, I went from 148-158 in 4 weeks! Which makes me think that is was laced or was a prohormone and not actual ostarine.
Exactly why I will NEVER buy encapsulated SARMS EVER again! First experience gave me good gains though, I went from 148-158 in 4 weeks! Which makes me think that is was laced or was a prohormone and not actual ostarine.
it definitely was... you have to be very very careful with them because so many do that shit... its amazing how many...
Exactly why I will NEVER buy encapsulated SARMS EVER again! First experience gave me good gains though, I went from 148-158 in 4 weeks! Which makes me think that is was laced or was a prohormone and not actual ostarine.
Prohormones can definitely give gains, but at the cost of shutdown, high toxicity, and bad side effects like gyno

We see it happen all the time with these sketchy companies
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