xdevinxsoccer said:
If the sides are too much I'm going to take a week off and then go back to 50mg but right now I don't think I will do that. The strength gains are so intense I don't think I'd be able to give it up...the sides shouldn't affect me like others simply because I just work and go to school at the moment. The night time vision and yellow tint won't affect me because I'm never really in the situations where they would cause problems for me.
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The first time I ran S4 I started seeing the vision side effects at around 75mg, but I said "fuck it" and ramped up to 100mg anyway. My logic was similar to yours. I don't really do much other than work. But I forgot that I had to drive for an hour at night to see my kids for dinner every week. Let me tell you, driving at night with bad S4 night-vision is scary as hell. Seriously, it's dangerous and I'm lucky that nothing bad happened during that time. You won't be able to see shit man, seriously. So just keep that in mind and be safe.