Hello!!! Mr Dylan! Can I stack Lgd with hydroxy cut? Im gonna use hydroxy cut for cardio days only, will I still maintain my gains and not burn them off?
You can but the hell you want too waste money on hydroxy cut relize its an overpriced caffeine pill total scam your missing money away on that garbage . over the counter fat burners suck there are a couple decent ones but you can't get them at GNC or Wal-Mart .
Hello!!! Mr Dylan! Can I stack Lgd with hydroxy cut? Im gonna use hydroxy cut for cardio days only, will I still maintain my gains and not burn them off?
you can run hydroxycut with anything but all you are doing is throwing money right out the window... its a bull shit product and everyone knows that bro... you would want to run GW501516 with it... something that truly works... dont waste your money on that bull shit hydroxycut shit... seriously bro... here is the link for gw... https://www.sarmsx.com/30-Off/30-off-gw-501516
HCut is absolute shit. Don't even waste your money OP. GW and SR9009 are serious producers when it comes to dropping bodyfat. I would go that route... there's just no comparison