
LGD, S4, 1 Andro... Amazing Results!


I just wanted to share some great results with anyone on here looking for success stories. I am 8 weeks into my LGD, S4, and 1 Andro cycle. I could not be more satisfied with my gains so far. This is the end of my cycle, as I start PCT on Saturday.

Beginning of the cycle I was around 233lbs at about 14% BF. As of Monday, I stepped on the scale at 250lbs and I feel equally as lean as I did before. Obviously slightly higher BF I would assume.. haven't had it measured. But I still look relatively lean.

My diet and training has been intense to say the least. I feel that the SARMs and 1 Andro have helped, but I have been eating very well for the most part. Here was my cycle layout for anyone interested.

1-8 LGD: 10mg/day
1-8 S4: 50mg/day (taking weekends off)
3-8 1 Andro: 220/220/220/220/330/330

Side Effects Noticed

1. Sex drive definitely decreased around the 3rd week and has remained there since then. Most people complain about this but I don't personally care at all. If your doing this to look cool for girls, I have no words for you.
2. My appetite has DEFINITELY been suppressed at times.
3. Some difficulty sleeping at night. In fact, this has been the most frustrating.

All in all, I would recommend this cycle to anyone! I would have run this 12 weeks but I have a photo shoot early November and I need to cycle off and then start a new stack and training for that!
Those sides don't look to appealing....don't think the wife would be pleased (at least I would like to think) if my sex drive took a nose dive. Not mention I like my sleep and food.
Lol I know but what do u all think about what he's saying? Do u think sarms will be outlawed?
Lol I know but what do u all think about what he's saying? Do u think sarms will be outlawed?

No, but the companies thing to sell it as a dietary supplement instead of a research chemical probably will have the FEDS knocking their doors down
That's what I'm talking about can they outlaw research labs like sarmsx or just these companies that sell capsulized sarms?
That's what I'm talking about can they outlaw research labs like sarmsx or just these companies that sell capsulized sarms?

"they" can do whatever they want whenever they want... its much more difficult because research is an entirely different concept but the capsule companies, they are severely breaking the law on it and they will not last whatsoever... its a serious fucking thing... you cant sell them as research that way.. on the research end, its a far different concept... noone can tell you shit on when or if any of this would occur but when things are overseas, you cant control them anyway so you dont have to worry about it...
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