
LGD only cycle


New member
Well, you guys have convinced me to buy from sarmsx. I know everyone here will tell me to stack them but I'm going to start with an LGD only cycle. I'd like to see the effects of some SARMs individually before I begin stacking them. Tell me what would be reasonable to expect from the standard dosage of such an eight week cycle?
Some nice size and clean bulking affect. You'll like LGD man. Increase in strength as well. I ran them all individually as well so there isn't anything wrong with that. Good luck brotha.
Well, you guys have convinced me to buy from sarmsx. I know everyone here will tell me to stack them but I'm going to start with an LGD only cycle. I'd like to see the effects of some SARMs individually before I begin stacking them. Tell me what would be reasonable to expect from the standard dosage of such an eight week cycle?

You're going to see big gains in size even if you're running it on its own... the only thing is that I would run it for 12 weeks, not 8
Ok nice! Two more questions: will there be any water retention? (I wouldn't imagine so). I'm also on 300mg/wk test as HRT. Knowing that, do you guys still stand by your original posts?
no water retention whatsoever... not from lgd... test can cause it but lgd has NO estrogen conversion whatsoever
I like LGD. I have gained some mass on it. Got a bit stronger. I am on week 7 or a 12 week of lgd and cardarine.
That was basically my last cycle cause I had to drop the Tbol(BP issues).It was just TestCyp & LGD & Let me tell you I got strong as fuck!Gained an inch almost all around 3/4" on my arms in 12 weeks & kept it all.LGD is good shit bro.When you wanna cut go with the S4.It's like a slightly weaker version of winny & you don't have to worry about all the negative sides.If you up the dose to double you're just about on scale with winny but the vision sides might fuck with you.Just remember they're only temporary.
That was basically my last cycle cause I had to drop the Tbol(BP issues).It was just TestCyp & LGD & Let me tell you I got strong as fuck!Gained an inch almost all around 3/4" on my arms in 12 weeks & kept it all.LGD is good shit bro.When you wanna cut go with the S4.It's like a slightly weaker version of winny & you don't have to worry about all the negative sides.If you up the dose to double you're just about on scale with winny but the vision sides might fuck with you.Just remember they're only temporary.

I've been wondering if it would be a waste to run LGD being that I'm on TRT. From what you're saying, it doesn't sound as though it'd be a waste at all. Great feedback, buddy. Thanks!
Add cardarine to that cycle and you're money. It'll turbocharge your workouts, and increase your gains.
its far from a waste... a waste? shit, test enhances sarms to an entire different level... trt with sarms is absolutely amazing considering you would never expect to get this much out of trt...
I've been wondering if it would be a waste to run LGD being that I'm on TRT. From what you're saying, it doesn't sound as though it'd be a waste at all. Great feedback, buddy. Thanks!

Denfitely not a waste at all. I've ran LGD alongside TRT and had amazing results myself. It's a great compound and I'm sure you'll love it
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