Hello all! Alright so i am 28, 6 foot, under ten percent bodyfat now at around 198 pounds. Just finished doing a cut and still cutting while taking mk-677 and have been taking it every day for 5-6 months about. Felt like it helped maintain my muscle in a deficit pretty well. And I started my cut with a mk-677 ostarine combo for 3 months then just contiunued the mk-677. I am almost done with the 3 weeks after the mini pct and im feeling good. Still have maintainable gains im showing off and getting pretty shredded. Question is this. I was going to take break from the mk-677 and starting a solo lgd cycle while putting myself in a slight surplus over the winter 3 months then start to cut right away again. My only fear is adding to much fat on top of muscle back on. How would this best be done? I know some sarms limit the amount of fat put on while building muscle, and they also prevent muscle wastage while cutting. Does lgd help not put on fat the way mk-677 did/ does? Also is there any advantage to taking a break from mk-677 for a few months only to start back up again? Sensitivity question i guess would it pick up right where it left off or would it need to build and not really do anything till afew months or more usage? My goal is to put on lean muscle without sacraficing the shreds i have accumilated from this cut. If i am at risk of putting on just as fat for bulking with lgd as if i had not taken it at all I would rather just remain in a slight deficit and take lgd and try to make some not as powerful muscle gains. I want to get everything i can out of the lgd, just not gain fat that much. I know thats what everyone is trying to do but Im sure i can figure it out. Up my cardio maybe if bulking on lgd idk. BUt yeah i know it works best with bulking but is it also capable of stacking on muscle in a cut? Thanks guys. Oh dont try and show me any stacks like with cardarine or s4 or anything im gonna be running lgd solo if anything. Jut want sufficient information so i know how to plan my macros and such. Thanks again!