
LGD-4033 and MK-677 log.

I'm excited because it will truly bring my physique to the next level as I already am looking fairly well for my age.

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Yes. It certainly can. You get out of these stacks exact,y what you put into them, so keep that diet and training on point and just watch the transformation!
Update: day three of my LGD run. Obviously not much to report.Taste is getting slightly better and only noticeable POSSIBLE side effect could be a large amount of acne on my chest. Which could also be due to other factors.

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Well I can attest to the chest acne but not sure it would be that fast, I didn't get it until week 3. And yeah the taste does get more manageable as time goes on.
I'm honestly hoping I'm one of those people that reacts super fast to it. Wish I wasn't so damn impatient

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I hear ya man, it's tough waiting, but I just thought today when I updated my log shit I'm already going into week 5, it went crazy fast.
You just have to give these compounds the time they need to work. I know it's hard to be patient, but once they start rolling and kicking in, it's a damn good time, I promise you
In brother. Im planning on running the same cycle for my massive bulk phase soon. Keep up the log keen to see what kind of results to expect!

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Added my first dose of s4 today. Ready for it to be week 3 already. Also started my cut at 2800 calories a day. Ready to be shredded.

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Finished week one of this stuff. Noticed increased pumps so far. Nothing really else has been noticeable.

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Finished week one of this stuff. Noticed increased pumps so far. Nothing really else has been noticeable.

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The pumps will get more & more prominent in time with the S4 bro.The vascularity as well.

Finished week one of this stuff. Noticed increased pumps so far. Nothing really else has been noticeable.

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It gets better going forward.....guaranteed. The real magic starts in the end of the 2nd into the 3rd week for most people
2 days away from the end of my 2nd week of lgd and tomorrow will be my 9th day of s4 and wow. I gotta say I'm already seeing results. So far I'm up 2.5 lbs and down 1% body fat. I'm at a flipping 600 cal deficit. I'm going 12 weeks with this one and I'm not even in my peak week yet

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Update: day three of my LGD run. Obviously not much to report.Taste is getting slightly better and only noticeable POSSIBLE side effect could be a large amount of acne on my chest. Which could also be due to other factors.

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I too got large amounts of acne on chest like bad! Doctor sent me to a dermatologist and I got put on accutane
2 days away from the end of my 2nd week of lgd and tomorrow will be my 9th day of s4 and wow. I gotta say I'm already seeing results. So far I'm up 2.5 lbs and down 1% body fat. I'm at a flipping 600 cal deficit. I'm going 12 weeks with this one and I'm not even in my peak week yet

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Any updates?
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