Hi, I'm Franco and I'm addicted to bodybuilding... With that said I'm excited to meet many of you and to see what's going on here at adrenaline rush! Got to say I miss my man Dylan! Long time no talk bra so I'm hoping to get some time catching up with you. Currently stat wise this had been the lightest I've been in many years weighing in at 224 the other day at approx 10% bf. I'm now gotta think over 30 now haha and my last cycle consisted of sarms, teen ace, testp, eq, and anavar. Was an amazing recomp! Like to compete next year so If I do ide like to put on more size. I really liked being and looking leaner was something new and even have a fitness competitor in my gym looking at me as competition haha! I've always had the ability to fluctuate weight well. My background has been in sports mainly highschool and college. Powerlifting is also a past time of mine more so in the past. Anyways nice to meet you all and anything you want to know just ask.