
Last bit of help with my cycle!


So guys,

As I keep learning more and more about Deca and Testosterone, I ask for your advice once again. :)
(BTW: TUDCA and a complete Cycle Support is included of course)

The cycle I have planned for November is like this:

1-14 Test-E @ 600mg per week
1-12 Deca @ 300mg per week
1-6 Turinabol @ 60mg per day
1-19 Aromasin 12,5mg every other day
1-12 Cabergoline tablets @ 0.5mg every 3 days
1-15 Proviron @ 50mg per day
1-12 RAD-140 @ 20mg per day
1-12 LGD-4033 @ 10mg per day

PCT, weeks 16 to 19:
50-50-25-25 Clomid
45-30-15-15 Nolvadex (tablets are 15mg each)
25mg per day MK-2866
Tongkat Ali every day
20mg per day - GW501516
(and the extended use of Aromasin 12,5mg every other day)

Now my questions are:

1. Since ''more is not always better''... Would 600mg of Test-E per week be too much, and just add to more side effects instead of more gains? Should I drop to 450mg and keep the Deca at 300mg per week? (this would make the test 1,5ml and Deca 1ml)

2. I have enough Caber tablets for 16 weeks, so there is plenty. Should I also run the Deca for 14 weeks, or keep it at 12. Deca is usually ran 12 weeks right? I don't want to ''overdo it.'' (''it is a marathon, not a sprint'', right Dylan?)

3. Regarding Tongkat Ali dosage for in my PCT, what dosage should I use every day?

4. Is PCT of 4 weeks enough, or should I extend to 6 weeks? If so, what do I extend to 6 weeks and what do I not extend?

Thanks in advance guys!
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I think the cycle looks fine bud. I like the test dose where it's at in contrast to Deca. I'd probably run the Deca the 12 weeks or 13 weeks and stop it just one week before the test so it doesn't impede recovery with it being such a long ester.

Pct at 4 weeks should be fine. I honestly don't even see a need for tongkat in pct with everything you have in there myself.
I think the cycle looks fine bud. I like the test dose where it's at in contrast to Deca. I'd probably run the Deca the 12 weeks or 13 weeks and stop it just one week before the test so it doesn't impede recovery with it being such a long ester.

Pct at 4 weeks should be fine. I honestly don't even see a need for tongkat in pct with everything you have in there myself.

Thanks Rick, so keep the test at 600? Then 4 weeks of PCT.
IF I would decide on an extra week of PCT, just extend the GW501516 and Nolvadex right?
you are overthinking man... we have gone over this several times... you have it just right... stop trying to mess with something that is done properly bro... just run the cycle and stop overthinking... you will honestly end up making a mistake thinking this much
you are overthinking man... we have gone over this several times... you have it just right... stop trying to mess with something that is done properly bro... just run the cycle and stop overthinking... you will honestly end up making a mistake thinking this much

Thanks for being straight up with me, Dylan. Just did not want loose ends! I will definitely run the cycle, can't wait for it to be honest... :(

Dylan, super off topic! Will you ever come to a fitness expo or anything like it? Like FIBO in Germany?
Thanks for being straight up with me, Dylan. Just did not want loose ends! I will definitely run the cycle, can't wait for it to be honest... :(

Dylan, super off topic! Will you ever come to a fitness expo or anything like it? Like FIBO in Germany?
not this year, no but possibly next year i will be in europe... its not even possible this year with the workload i have right now and the other trips me and my wife have planned...
not this year, no but possibly next year i will be in europe... its not even possible this year with the workload i have right now and the other trips me and my wife have planned...

Awesome! If you come to Germany or something, I'll definitely see you at the expo. Would be amazing ;)
Awesome! If you come to Germany or something, I'll definitely see you at the expo. Would be amazing ;)
sounds good bro... probably going to be in Italy but we may be going elsewhere as well... i dont really get into expos or any of that to be honest... never been my thing but we will see
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