
Lab Results , Need help regarding a possible issue that may affect weight loss/Gains

now everything makes a lot more sense but you didnt explain anything about free test, nor give the correct dose bro so that was what would be assumed... what were you told to dose anastrazole at?

So this was what I was prescribed TODAY and I got my first injection today! As i will every thursday.... Im a little upset because I feel like Im wasting my first cycle on a TRT dose, I feel like I won't benefit from it much aside from mood swings, energy and etc. But I always hear your first cycle is the best. Now I feel like its a waste on TRT ... I think im getting 150mg a week, all i know is i saw .75ml on the syringe she used.

So this was what I was prescribed TODAY and I got my first injection today! As i will every thursday.... Im a little upset because I feel like Im wasting my first cycle on a TRT dose, I feel like I won't benefit from it much aside from mood swings, energy and etc. But I always hear your first cycle is the best. Now I feel like its a waste on TRT ... I think im getting 150mg a week, all i know is i saw .75ml on the syringe she used.


any update on your TSH levels?

The TRT will aid in free test. Im curious if his e2 was high? how can he have normal to mid test and low free?
any update on your TSH levels?

The TRT will aid in free test. Im curious if his e2 was high? how can he have normal to mid test and low free?
yes the thyroid check came in healthy according to the endocrine doc, as for my free I'm not sure why it came low. 625 nl, 96 free.
nice bro... very nice

Dylan What can i expect from running 150mg of test cyp from pharm grade purity?

This is my first time running steroids, but at a TRT DOSE.

I am still cutting , current in week 11 of my cut, will i notice anything different once the test kicks in?

Can i still build good size or not really? and how does it affect me in terms of cutting?

I keep hearing that you can literally build muscle and burn fat , especially on TRT. thanks again.!
Dylan What can i expect from running 150mg of test cyp from pharm grade purity?

This is my first time running steroids, but at a TRT DOSE.

I am still cutting , current in week 11 of my cut, will i notice anything different once the test kicks in?

Can i still build good size or not really? and how does it affect me in terms of cutting?

I keep hearing that you can literally build muscle and burn fat , especially on TRT. thanks again.!

It's meant for therapeutic purposes. Yes you add a little size but nothing major in comparison to a real cycle. Having higher test levels can aid in muscle wastage. I wouldn't diet for long periods of time to begin with.

I think your looking at trt as a magic pill. Trt or cycles don't burn fat. All you will get is a sense of well-being, and relieve some issues you were having before that trt.
It's meant for therapeutic purposes. Yes you add a little size but nothing major in comparison to a real cycle. Having higher test levels can aid in muscle wastage. I wouldn't diet for long periods of time to begin with.

I think your looking at trt as a magic pill. Trt or cycles don't burn fat. All you will get is a sense of well-being, and relieve some issues you were having before that trt.

Makes sense. Its funny because I hear sooo many different things about it. I hear yes you can add decent size becuase after all your test levels are in the upper 900-1200 range, and then ive heard things like the dosage is relative to the person, because more isnt necessarily better. Obviously It will take some time for anything to take in effect.

I only ask this question because i know a few people on Trt doses, and they look fantastic, in just as short as 3 months..... its kinda crazy. And i only know this because of the same doc he uses as me.

So you can imagine why I ask the question, It seems there really no actual right answer to the question as no matter the dosage TRT even that I still will be way better off regardless if im cutting or bulking.
Makes sense. Its funny because I hear sooo many different things about it. I hear yes you can add decent size becuase after all your test levels are in the upper 900-1200 range, and then ive heard things like the dosage is relative to the person, because more isnt necessarily better. Obviously It will take some time for anything to take in effect.

I only ask this question because i know a few people on Trt doses, and they look fantastic, in just as short as 3 months..... its kinda crazy. And i only know this because of the same doc he uses as me.

So you can imagine why I ask the question, It seems there really no actual right answer to the question as no matter the dosage TRT even that I still will be way better off regardless if im cutting or bulking.
Testosterone is not magic you still have to diet on point and train hard. Dr. Prescibed Trt is for therapy it is to get your deficiency in the healthy range not super physiological. You can make decent gains maybe adding a sarms stack to your Trt will help tremendously. Dylan or Rick can provide you with a great stack depending on your goals. I'm on 200mg test a week with sarms stack and seeing great results.

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Makes sense. Its funny because I hear sooo many different things about it. I hear yes you can add decent size becuase after all your test levels are in the upper 900-1200 range, and then ive heard things like the dosage is relative to the person, because more isnt necessarily better. Obviously It will take some time for anything to take in effect.

I only ask this question because i know a few people on Trt doses, and they look fantastic, in just as short as 3 months..... its kinda crazy. And i only know this because of the same doc he uses as me.

So you can imagine why I ask the question, It seems there really no actual right answer to the question as no matter the dosage TRT even that I still will be way better off regardless if im cutting or bulking.

Ya I read and heard the same stuff before as well. I been on trt for around 3-4 months and yes dose is dependent on the person. Just on 100mg a week, my test levels are in the 1200s. Yes you ready correctly. My body responds very well to it for some reason. Of course my estrogen went up as well.

Have I put on some size since? Yes and very little but noticeable. I'll have to get my body fat measured soon. I am adding sarms which are actually on its way.

Diet and training are everything, so if those aren't in check, then no gains will be made. I suggest you get bloodwork every so often to make sure the dose is working.
Ya I read and heard the same stuff before as well. I been on trt for around 3-4 months and yes dose is dependent on the person. Just on 100mg a week, my test levels are in the 1200s. Yes you ready correctly. My body responds very well to it for some reason. Of course my estrogen went up as well.

Have I put on some size since? Yes and very little but noticeable. I'll have to get my body fat measured soon. I am adding sarms which are actually on its way.

Diet and training are everything, so if those aren't in check, then no gains will be made. I suggest you get bloodwork every so often to make sure the dose is working.

So I chose TRT Therapy for more so the benefits of course. I do get my blood work checked every 3-6 months and I am monitored as well.

Current Dose as of yesterday since i started is-----150mg Test cyp, .5mg of Arimadex x2 a week

I guess I'm asking these questions because I have been cutting for 9 weeks or so and i would love to take advantage of whatever boost in test I can get and build muscle, but I also realize i need to drop body-fat as well.

So I'm sorta stuck in this limbo where I've been cutting for 9 weeks now, Started TRT yesterday, but not sure if i should eat to bulk or even maintenance and benefit from the TRT therapy part, I'm actually not even sure if you can still build muscle when your on TRT doses while in a deficit . I understand its not changing my body to a bodybuilder level , but I just wanna optimize it as best as possible.

So that's why I'm sorta stuck....
So I chose TRT Therapy for more so the benefits of course. I do get my blood work checked every 3-6 months and I am monitored as well.

Current Dose as of yesterday since i started is-----150mg Test cyp, .5mg of Arimadex x2 a week

I guess I'm asking these questions because I have been cutting for 9 weeks or so and i would love to take advantage of whatever boost in test I can get and build muscle, but I also realize i need to drop body-fat as well.

So I'm sorta stuck in this limbo where I've been cutting for 9 weeks now, Started TRT yesterday, but not sure if i should eat to bulk or even maintenance and benefit from the TRT therapy part, I'm actually not even sure if you can still build muscle when your on TRT doses while in a deficit . I understand its not changing my body to a bodybuilder level , but I just wanna optimize it as best as possible.

So that's why I'm sorta stuck....

Trt in general takes a while to kick in. Give it a good month. I would stop dieting and eat the calories you were left off on. Then assess and add calories slowly back in. Make sure your eating enough protein of course. This is all depending on your bf percentage. You may still want to diet cuz your bf is high.
Ya I read and heard the same stuff before as well. I been on trt for around 3-4 months and yes dose is dependent on the person. Just on 100mg a week, my test levels are in the 1200s. Yes you ready correctly. My body responds very well to it for some reason. Of course my estrogen went up as well.

Have I put on some size since? Yes and very little but noticeable. I'll have to get my body fat measured soon. I am adding sarms which are actually on its way.

Diet and training are everything, so if those aren't in check, then no gains will be made. I suggest you get bloodwork every so often to make sure the dose is working.

those are excellent numbers at just 100 mg... your one of the lucky ones that responds so well to outside stimulus... your absolutely right about diet and training... i dont care what your taking, you will never get what you should out of it if those two are not consistent and disciplined...
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