
Kings Cycle Deca, SUST250, DBOL


New member
:rolleyes:Sup guys my stats are 6'3 180pounds 20yo im lean and looking to gain some weight with this as my ;)first cycle just wondering if these were going to be okay and the levels were good to run it at peace

Sustanon 250 500mg/wkly 1- 12 wks
Deca Durabolin 400mg/wkly 1 - 10 wks
Dianabol - 30mg/ed 1-6 wks
Arimidex - 0.5/e3d 1-12 wks
Milk thislthe 5 tablets ed 1-6 wks
Caber 0.5 e3d 1-10 weeks
Clomid 14-16 wks day 1 250mg/ml - 10 days 100mg/ml - 10 days 50mg/ml
:rolleyes:Sup guys my stats are 6'3 180pounds 20yo im lean and looking to gain some weight with this as my ;)first cycle just wondering if these were going to be okay and the levels were good to run it at peace

Sustanon 250 500mg/wkly 1- 12 wks
Deca Durabolin 400mg/wkly 1 - 10 wks
Dianabol - 30mg/ed 1-6 wks
Arimidex - 0.5/e3d 1-12 wks
Milk thislthe 5 tablets ed 1-6 wks
Caber 0.5 e3d 1-10 weeks
Clomid 14-16 wks day 1 250mg/ml - 10 days 100mg/ml - 10 days 50mg/ml

only 20 yrs old and only 180 at 6'3". i would suggest not using AAS at this time. you can build plenty of mass naturally right now, you dont need AAS. plus the cycle you are suggesting is way overboard for a first time cycle. that is a cycle that old BBing pros would do.

you can try SARMS but i wouldnt use AAS until you are older and more experienced.
Yea this is overboard for a first cycle my friend. First off I would agree and say start with sarms if you are really looking to enhance with a PED. is having a 25% off sale with the code boo25. I would advise against AAS until you are bigger and older. However, if you have made up your mind that you want AAS and nothing else, a Test E or Test C only cycle would be much better.

Here are some problems with the compounds you have listed for a beginner:
SUST requires eod pinning to get the most out of all the esters which is not something typically recommended for a beginner.

DBOL can cause gyno flare ups as it converts to estrogen at a very high rate. It is also very liver toxic and not recommended for a first cycle.
DECA has multiple things you need to worry about. With Deca you can get prolactin issues, gyno issues, and it is a 19-nor compound which shuts down natural test production very hard, making it difficult to recover. Bad idea, especially for your age.

Also your pct needs some work my friend.

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No one here can recommend steroids with u being under 21...but that cycle is definitely not recommended for a beginner. A sarms cycle would be a good start for you
Massive gains brother on that cycle, along with a high possibility of fucking up your health. And loosing all those gains in months. If you have never drank before, would you pick up a bottle of everclear and down that bitch everynight for 3 months straight? Because your introducing DBOL and Decca at very high levels and those are some of the Harshest AAS out there. Just not a good Idea. If you have your heart set on AAS use at such a young age and are prepared for the health and growth consequences. Why not do it the smart way and run a substance that you can keep your gains. So eat and get some Sarms, hell your 20 you have so many gains still left natty. Even guys here who have 10 plus cycles under there belt wouldn't even touch half those substances and most of them wouldn't run it at those levels that do.
there's a reason the thread was moved from logs to anabolics because this is more a question than you actually running it bro because there's no way anyone here would ever condone that as a first cycle and especially not at 20 years old... even if you were older, do you realize how undersized you are at 6'3"... when you are that undersized and then you take something like dbol, which induces drastic growth, you are hurting yourself double because your putting extra strain on yourself by not being fully developed and that will lead to frequent future injuries... im hoping you listen and don't make a very bad decision.. not to mention running this many compounds on a first cycle and using deca on a first cycle... that's definitely not a beginner steroid... you need to take a step back and reassess bro...
Everyone is right. You are way too young for steroids at this point, and far too undersized. You also have a very advanced stack of steroids in your plan that is holy unadviseable. A first cycle should be test only, and you are not even in a position to run that right now.

You need to stick to a solid diet and training plan to build a good natural base first. If you are looking for enhancement, sarms would be a great starting point. I can certainly help you setup a good sarms cycle, if you are interested, but you defnitely need to get a good diet and training plan together. Defnitely stay away from the steroids bro
Brother you are no where near ready for steroids. Il leave age out of it. Your stats are not anywhere near what they should be. Keep hitting it for a couple years and then get started. Your a taller guy but could easily hit 220 230 naturally. Without question.

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:rolleyes:Sup guys my stats are 6'3 180pounds 20yo im lean and looking to gain some weight with this as my ;)first cycle just wondering if these were going to be okay and the levels were good to run it at peace

Sustanon 250 500mg/wkly 1- 12 wks
Deca Durabolin 400mg/wkly 1 - 10 wks
Dianabol - 30mg/ed 1-6 wks
Arimidex - 0.5/e3d 1-12 wks
Milk thislthe 5 tablets ed 1-6 wks
Caber 0.5 e3d 1-10 weeks
Clomid 14-16 wks day 1 250mg/ml - 10 days 100mg/ml - 10 days 50mg/ml

Bro you are 1 inch taller than me and 40 lbs lighter. You need to get some heavy weights going and a big jug of protein powder and some creatine.
:rolleyes:Sup guys my stats are 6'3 180pounds 20yo im lean and looking to gain some weight with this as my ;)first cycle just wondering if these were going to be okay and the levels were good to run it at peace

Sustanon 250 500mg/wkly 1- 12 wks
Deca Durabolin 400mg/wkly 1 - 10 wks
Dianabol - 30mg/ed 1-6 wks
Arimidex - 0.5/e3d 1-12 wks
Milk thislthe 5 tablets ed 1-6 wks
Caber 0.5 e3d 1-10 weeks
Clomid 14-16 wks day 1 250mg/ml - 10 days 100mg/ml - 10 days 50mg/ml

Why so much AAS at your age? Deca? Hmmm... I would not even consider it for less than 14 weeks.... Caber it for the super heavies...I have not ever needed it for Deca runs. And for the cycle you present I do not think Caber is necessary.... FWIW at 20 yoa I would not suggest AAS unless you are pro ready. Why sust versus cyo or eth....Sust has some issues particularly in younger athletes.

Wait and train 3 to 5 years then let us chat about AAS. IMHO.
Thanks guys for the help appreciate the feedback i will stay away from AAS until i can come back with a cycle that can be accepted i will be looking into sarms and thanks goood forum :D
Thanks guys for the help appreciate the feedback i will stay away from AAS until i can come back with a cycle that can be accepted i will be looking into sarms and thanks goood forum :D

Smart decision my friend. We are only trying to help and look out for your healthy and best interests.

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Thanks guys for the help appreciate the feedback i will stay away from AAS until i can come back with a cycle that can be accepted i will be looking into sarms and thanks goood forum :D

VERY wise decision... i have a nice starting cycle for you bro... you can get big size gains and not have any steroid side effects...

1-12 rad140 20 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-12 sr9009 30 mg day... 5 mg split doses 2-3 hours apart
1-12 lgd-4033 10 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-12 S4 50 mg day... split doses... 25 mg in the a.m. and 25 mg in the p.m.
1-12 GW-510516 20 mg day… dosed all at once 30 minutes before workout…
9-12 daa

Mini pct 13-16

clomid 50/25/25/25
gw-501516 20 mg day
Thanks guys for the help appreciate the feedback i will stay away from AAS until i can come back with a cycle that can be accepted i will be looking into sarms and thanks goood forum :D

good decision man. you seem to understand everyone here is trying to help you be as safe as possible. dylan laid out a nice cycle for you already..
good decision man. you seem to understand everyone here is trying to help you be as safe as possible. dylan laid out a nice cycle for you already..

its damn refreshing to see someone that actually listens!! he is setting himself up for some nice things to come!
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