
Key Points with Trenbolone use: A new video by Dylan Gemelli

Dylan, long time fan (couple years) first time poster.
I have extensive as use. Am on dr prescribed TRT. Currently working on full body recomp.
I am currently taking 750 test, 450 npp, and 900 EQ. I am reaching my 10th week and am very happy with the size I've put on. Looking to harden up and lean out a bit more.
Do you think that changing my compounds/doses to 250 test, 400 tren e, and staying on 900 EQ for another ten weeks would help to dry out my gains and get me denser? I've got my diet in check and have taken tren before so I know what to expect. Just wondering if you think I'm going too low? Or if my doses are good? And if you think the tren is enough to support the drop in test back down to my TRT dose without losing new muscle.
As always, your awesome and thanks for the support and education.

im not a fan of just "throwing" tren in bro... it should be planned ahead.. can you do it? of course... should you? thats up to you but personally, i dont like that idea... i love tren but i dont like just throwing it in.. 400 on tren is far from too low... im not a fan of recklessness or reckless doses... i dont see the point in running that much test.. eq, yes, thats a good dose and npp dose is good too but 750 test is not necessary at all
Thank you very much for taking the time to reply and give me your input. It was always in my plan to switch from npp to tren half way threw this blast. The only thing I'm calling an audible on is dropping my test levels to 250. My original plan was to drop them to 500. But I've made such quality gains off the 450 npp and 900 EQ that I wanted to ask you if you thought going down to my TRT dose would be enough. I know that the tren is going to do great things for me, it always does. And I feel like the EQ is doing way more than I expected, the 900/week is me taking your advise on that being the sweet spot. And thank you for your advise! This has been the most productive cycle I've ever ran.
So my direct question is: do you feel like 250 test e/400 tren e/900 EQ is a successful recipie to keep making gains while hardening up the new ones I just put on with the npp. I got a great dry base of new muscle, diet is on point! Just not wanting to screw it up half way threw.
Thanks again man
Thank you very much for taking the time to reply and give me your input. It was always in my plan to switch from npp to tren half way threw this blast. The only thing I'm calling an audible on is dropping my test levels to 250. My original plan was to drop them to 500. But I've made such quality gains off the 450 npp and 900 EQ that I wanted to ask you if you thought going down to my TRT dose would be enough. I know that the tren is going to do great things for me, it always does. And I feel like the EQ is doing way more than I expected, the 900/week is me taking your advise on that being the sweet spot. And thank you for your advise! This has been the most productive cycle I've ever ran.
So my direct question is: do you feel like 250 test e/400 tren e/900 EQ is a successful recipie to keep making gains while hardening up the new ones I just put on with the npp. I got a great dry base of new muscle, diet is on point! Just not wanting to screw it up half way threw.
Thanks again man
its not that the test dose you want wont be enough, because it will but when it comes to running test with nandrolones, i like to keep them equal... i would go 400/400... trust me on this one... try it out and you will see first hand...
Agree 100 percent. Caber actually made me nauseous and tired so I always dose it at night for that reason alone.
it made me extremely tired at first but my body did adjust to it and i dont have that issue anymore but i guess ive always taken all ancillaries, pct products etc.. at night... you certainly dont want to be all fucked up during the day if something hits you wrong!
i always dose my ancillaries at night in case of any side effects... it technically does not matter but i would stick to night time...
Hey quick question 1st week on caber was taking .25 e3d . Took it last night before bed and I'm still dizzy should i cut the dose down in half or less times a week .

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Hey quick question 1st week on caber was taking .25 e3d . Took it last night before bed and I'm still dizzy should i cut the dose down in half or less times a week .

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i wouldn't... thats a typical side effect with it but that doesn't mean your prolactin is okay.. you have no idea how your body will react prolactin wise with tren bro and if you cut it too low, then you could have problems arise which you dont want.. you are already running it lower than general... your body has to get used to it though... you wont have side effects the entire time your using it...
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