
keeping bones strong

Angel said:
OK so why would they associate a heart attack with test? I understand being overweight, but is it true can the combination of being over weight and test trigger a heart attack? I'm getting worried here guys!!!!!

changing my life around one day at a time!!

Ive researched this many times. As for what ive found. There is no evidence that says testosterone caused any death of any individual. However it can be a contributing factor. They know it can damage liver and kidneys. But it also depends on the person, thier medical history, underlining health issues, other substance abuse, diet and the list goes on and on. Replacing what your body has lost has very little chance of doing any damage. But are u on 20 different meds a day? Smoke? Shoot heroin? U see what im getting at?
Re: RE: Re: keeping bones strong

cmb5017 said:
Angel said:
OK so why would they associate a heart attack with test? I understand being overweight, but is it true can the combination of being over weight and test trigger a heart attack? I'm getting worried here guys!!!!!

changing my life around one day at a time!!

Ive researched this many times. As for what ive found. There is no evidence that says testosterone caused any death of any individual. However it can be a contributing factor. They know it can damage liver and kidneys. But it also depends on the person, thier medical history, underlining health issues, other substance abuse, diet and the list goes on and on. Replacing what your body has lost has very little chance of doing any damage. But are u on 20 different meds a day? Smoke? Shoot heroin? U see what im getting at?
To be honest I was on a lot of medication before not no more, but I see your point, I just didn't know if the combination of those two actually did trigger a heart attack or if it was proven that it did, got scary their for a minute lol, thanks for the info CMB.

changing my life around one day at a time!!
JM750 said:
RickRock said:
JM750 said:
I just saw for the first time today on TV those attorny sharks promoting their law suit services for men that were prescribed testosterone for trt purposes. Give me a fucking break. Seriously?
Never mind the fact that the majority of guys on TRT are also very overweight with horrible diets. Yet when they have heart attacks they want to blame the testosterone. Give me a break

That is exactly what the ad was for. Guys that were on trt that had heart attacks strokes ect.
Makes you think we know what we are doing with testosterone more than the Dr prescribing it.

Or that alot of guys trt script use that as a liscnese to steal and use far too much ugl steroids along w the dr prescribed and improperly and then have heart attacks and cause attention to the masses

Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: keeping bones strong

JM750 said:
RickRock said:
JM750 said:
I just saw for the first time today on TV those attorny sharks promoting their law suit services for men that were prescribed testosterone for trt purposes. Give me a fucking break. Seriously?
Never mind the fact that the majority of guys on TRT are also very overweight with horrible diets. Yet when they have heart attacks they want to blame the testosterone. Give me a break

That is exactly what the ad was for. Guys that were on trt that had heart attacks strokes ect.
Makes you think we know what we are doing with testosterone more than the Dr prescribing it.
That's because unfortunately we do brother. You'd like to think docs would know, but they just don't
Re: RE: Re: keeping bones strong

Angel said:
OK so why would they associate a heart attack with test? I understand being overweight, but is it true can the combination of being over weight and test trigger a heart attack? I'm getting worried here guys!!!!!

changing my life around one day at a time!!
Don't worry brother. Basically there's no argument that being overweight or obese, and having a bad diet is a recipe for heart disease. Everyone knows that. So when somebody in that situation has a heart attack its obvious what the cause was.

When that same person also happens to be on a prescription for testosterone, lawyers see dollar signs and an opportunity to capitalize on making that be the problem, when it has nothing g to do with it.

Correlation is not causation
Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: keeping bones strong

RickRock said:
Angel said:
OK so why would they associate a heart attack with test? I understand being overweight, but is it true can the combination of being over weight and test trigger a heart attack? I'm getting worried here guys!!!!!

changing my life around one day at a time!!
Don't worry brother. Basically there's no argument that being overweight or obese, and having a bad diet is a recipe for heart disease. Everyone knows that. So when somebody in that situation has a heart attack its obvious what the cause was.

When that same person also happens to be on a prescription for testosterone, lawyers see dollar signs and an opportunity to capitalize on making that be the problem, when it has nothing g to do with it.

Correlation is not causation
Thank you RR...

changing my life around one day at a time!!
Re: RE: Re: keeping bones strong

JM750 said:
I totally agree with RR on this.
It did have me worried for a more minute lol

changing my life around one day at a time!!
Re: RE: Re: keeping bones strong

Angel said:
JM750 said:
I totally agree with RR on this.
It did have me worried for a more minute lol

changing my life around one day at a time!!

Yeah RR has it right. If you have a history of this in your family then certain things can trigger it. Test is not the major factor. If you are doing your cardio then keep on truckin
Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: keeping bones strong

drb_iac said:
Angel said:
JM750 said:
I totally agree with RR on this.
It did have me worried for a more minute lol

changing my life around one day at a time!!

Yeah RR has it right. If you have a history of this in your family then certain things can trigger it. Test is not the major factor. If you are doing your cardio then keep on truckin
Yes sir, i will..

changing my life around one day at a time!!
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