
Just won my first BB competition!


Hey all, I started this journey 8 months ago. Went from 13% bf, down to 4% bf by April, when I competed in my first BB competition in Physique. I'm 53 and I took 1st place in masters and 4th in open! Been on this forum and watched just about all of Dylan's youtube videos. All of which helped tremendously. I started out with a TRT cycle (my first) June of last year, and with the help of Dylan and a few other members here, I graduated up to a full 16 week cycle before the competition of 400 test, 800 EQ and Winstrol the last 3 weeks before the competition. I also had the help of a great nutritionist who got me dialed in on my macros. Now I'm hooked! Going to take a break for a few months and do another competition end of August. Only problem is that I'm currently in PCT mode and not sure how I'm going to manage another cycle before then. I'm either going to cruise on trt or just simply cut my PCT short and run another PCT after the August competition for a full 4 months. Any advise on that would be appreciated. Here is my before and after pics


  • before 2018.jpg
    before 2018.jpg
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  • progress 3.jpg
    progress 3.jpg
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Very nice job brother. Well done, and glad to see you representing well for the older guys
Awesome job. Honest question, how did you know you were 4% bodyfat? Didn't think that was physiologically possible for a healthy/normal individual but could be wrong which is why I ask.
Thanks all! I sencerely appreciate all the compliments. Looking forward to see what the next year of bodybuilding will bring.
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Awesome job. Honest question, how did you know you were 4% bodyfat? Didn't think that was physiologically possible for a healthy/normal individual but could be wrong which is why I ask.

I’m sure it’s not healthy long term. I definitely could not or would not want to stay that depleted. It doesn’t feel good. Im already back up to a healthy 6% and will probably get up to 8 or 9% before I start depleting again for my next competition. My trainer/nutritionist checked my bf weekly, and he’s been doing this for many years, with a digital caliper. Probably not exact, but pretty close. I was at around 7.5% at the time of that “after” pic. There was a huge difference between that and when I got down to 4%.
Great work congrats, just shows how much of a change is possible if you really put everything together right. well done and at 53 to boot!
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