Hey all, just thought I'd share some information with you guys who compete in anything tested. Friend of mine who competes in powerlifting in Canada here took sarms in his off season just to try out. He ordered from a research company here in Canada and stopped taking the sarms 2 months out from his competition date and then took clomid for 4 weeks. Anyways, he ended up breaking some provincial records and mind you this guy was already strong as balls before sarms. He ended up getting drug tested, figuring hey I've been off sarms for a couple months it should've cleared, wrong! He got an email stating he failed his drug tests and the email stated what was in his system which included his sarms stack and the clomid. My point being is that these obviously have a pretty long detection time and I wouldn't advise anybody take sarms when competing in a tested league. stay 100% natty or just compete in non tested.