Senior Member
Hey guys long time no talk!!! I've been very busy lately just a lot of life stuff going on and focusing on my contest prep which is going very well btw. Anyway just wanted to drop very big thank you to my man IWGF who took care of me like a pro!!! He outdid himself this time. I needed last minute changes in my compounds for the last 10 weeks of the prep. Talk to him Monday and we agreed on what I was going to get and requested if there was a chance to get my stuff by Friday as that was my first day of the new cycle. I knew if it didn't happen I would have to adjust some stuff and didn't want to be a pain in his ass but I figured if there was a way and chance i would have to ask and then see what would happen. Well IWGF didn't even answer yes or no so I figured well it will get here when it gets here then I will worry about what my next step will be. Send him his payment on Tuesday pm around 3 pm. I came home today which is Thursday open my mailbox not expecting anything and guess what this mofo took care of me a day earlier. I think he came over himself stuffed my mailbox and drone his ass out of here. As always thanks bud!!! You are the bomb!!! I will include some gear porn for all of you out there who want to squeeze one out to it!!!! Lol!!!