Senior Member

What is up boys and girls!!!
It's time to hit it hard again. After successful ready period for the body it's time to grow. In the recovery period i dropped the weight down to 274 which was about 10 pounds. Strength stayed up surprisingly which was great. I just ran my trt dose of prop 100 mg three times a week. Of course I ran what i got from IWGF. Now we have all the diet figured out. Actually I never got off the diet. I'm on it all the time. Can imagine doing anything different. But anyway increasing the doses of test and switching to test e and adding deca. Unfortunately IWGF was low on it so we r running NPP for now and then we switch over to deca when it gets in. That's it. Continue with gh on training days only. Already went up to 285 in the past 3 weeks and getting stronger and stronger. I didn't get that fat off season. Actually coach is very happy with the amount of fat tissue at this time. Worst part of it is eating. I don't do dirty bulls all clean food it's just so much of it. Let's see if I can get to 300!!!! Wow!!! That would be something !!! Mrs Lexi is recovering very nicely after placing top 6 in her first national show. Great stuff great gear from IWGF and can't wait what the future holds. IWGF thank u so much for all the services you provide. Great dude!!!
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