I ask because I'm new. I ask some questions in a previous site and got booted. So if it is an open forum could a person recommend sources not affiliated with the site like say; hey dudes I had a really good experience with this company. I'm just asking because I don't want to ask questions and get answers that can only fit within the guidelines of the website sponsors. I won't be doing any recommendations because I have no experience and that's not my place in the game but years from now maybe. I feel like if the site sponsor are good and providing top notch stuff then they won't care, but having the ability to express your opinion about another site makes everything feel a little more legit. Anyway I get the feeling that this is going to be a kickass place to hangout and chat so if I'm out of line on anything just let me know and I will censor myself as needed. Really looking forward to learning for everyone here. v/r