Hi guy's back with another question. First here is my current split to give an idea why I'm asking the question;
Day 1:chest - am, biceps - pm
Day 2:legs - am, triceps - pm
Day 3:back - am, shoulders - pm.
Day 4ff. Then I repeat.
I pin 250mg on Thursdays and notice that the recovery seems much more efficient for about 4 days after the pin but slows a bit any workout that falls after that. Not a tremendous difference as the strength gains and endurance remain but it feels a little different body wise, almost like not being super human anymore lol. This is my first cycle as you know and was wondering if I split the 250mg in 2 like say 125mg Monday and 125mg Thursday would that super human recovery feeling remain more constant.
Any advice would be great thanks.
Day 1:chest - am, biceps - pm
Day 2:legs - am, triceps - pm
Day 3:back - am, shoulders - pm.
Day 4ff. Then I repeat.
I pin 250mg on Thursdays and notice that the recovery seems much more efficient for about 4 days after the pin but slows a bit any workout that falls after that. Not a tremendous difference as the strength gains and endurance remain but it feels a little different body wise, almost like not being super human anymore lol. This is my first cycle as you know and was wondering if I split the 250mg in 2 like say 125mg Monday and 125mg Thursday would that super human recovery feeling remain more constant.
Any advice would be great thanks.