dude why are you running such high doses? i mean just in your first cycle you ran 500mg of TEST? thats like old school BBer doses for bulking, and these guys were in their prime..i am not a fan of high doses especially for someone new to AAS. when you are more advanced/experienced then there is a place for higher doses BUT not in the beginning, it is just asking for more Sides.
and you said Nolvadex was the only thing used in PCT? that seems pretty shabby dude, when you are hitting 500mg TEST you need to have a thorough PCT..
i just think you need to rethink your mentality about cycles...your first time running DECA at 400mg is too high along with 500mg Sust and it is no wonder you got sides. PLUS you said your TEST was Bunk..how did you know that? did you test it? running bunk test and blaming Deca doesnt make sense....
also just because a compound is considered "wet" doesnt mean it will bloat you up - it depends on dosage and diet as well. obviously higher doses will be prone to more sides and over eating carbs or sodium can give excess bloat....
great points! ALSO, you NEVER use hcg in pct... thats one of the worst things you can do... you run it the last 4 weeks leading up to pct but NEVER during... it has its place but needs to be used properly ...
please READ my article on pct and learn about the proper way to run it and why... http://adrenalinerushforums.com/showthread.php?4311-Post-Cycle-Therapy-101-By-Dylan-Gemelli
here is the layout
clomid 50/50/25/25
nolva 40/20/20/20
aromasin 12.5 mg eod
mk-2866 25 mg day
gw-501516 20 mg day