Hello everyone, I'm just gonna tell you how great naps is. I'm currently on day 47 of my wait and I look at usps and my gear is still in Ukraine. I hear the gear is so strong usps employees won't let it go and rub it on their nipples. I'm not at all bummed that I discovered this place and hear about all your lightning fast touchdowns. I have no problem waiting forever. They even gave me a 30% discount which I told them to shove it up there ass. Fuck naps. I hope the gear is at least good. 14 day turn around my balls. I left a 3 star review and it never made it. I always wondered why they only have 5 star reviews. Seriously can anyone go on there and find a less than 5 star. They clearly cherry pick reviews. What a bunch of ass clowns. I ordered from euroking and it shipped in 3 days. I can't wait to utilize the sources here.